A review of "Four Views on the Book of Revelation".
The Book of Revelation, attributed to the
apostle John, has mystified Christians ever since it was first written. This
volume contains contributions from four Protestants, each defending a different
interpretation of the book.
Unfortunately, only two of the articles are readable: Kenneth Gentry's defence
of Preterism (or Partial Preterism) and Sam Hamstra's argument for Idealism.
Robert Thomas' text on "Classical" Dispensationalism (actually a 19th
century novelty) is barely readable, and C. Marvin Pate's article on
Progressive Dispensationalism is incomprehensible. Weirdly, Pate is both a
contributor and the editor of this volume. In all fairness, it should be noted
that all contributions are heavy reading unless you already have a working
knowledge of Revelation. Within those parameters, however, Gentry and Hamstra
did the better job expounding their respective positions.
Gentry's and Hamstra's articles are also the most interesting. Everyone
"knows" that Revelation is supposed to be about future events.
Non-believers see it as a failed prophecy about the future. The large number of
fundamentalists and cults which spin weird, apocalyptic scenarios based on
Revelation certainly add to this impression. It may therefore surprise people
that some conservative Christians deny that Revelation is about events in our
Gentry argues that Revelation was written already during the reign of Nero and
predicts events in John's future but our past. Thus, most of the prophecies in
Revelation have already been fulfilled. Gentry believes that Revelation, in
allegorical form, deals with the Jewish War and the destruction of the Temple
in AD 70. The "return" of Jesus was actually a spiritual return,
whereby the heavenly Christ punished the unrepentant Jews with war, pestilence,
famine and eventual dispersion. (Note the anti-Semitic overtones.) Gentry never
argues for his early dating of Revelation. Interested readers should consult
his book "Before Jerusalem Fell".
Hamstra believes that Revelation isn't about any specific period in history at
all. Rather, it depicts the constant struggles of Christians against
persecution in every age. It's also a message of hope to Christians in every
age. Hamstra doesn't deny the future second coming of Christ. However, he
doesn't believe that Revelation sets a timetable or deals with any specific
historical period. In that sense, the book is symbolic.
Personally, I don't think the question of what Revelation "really"
means will ever be settled. The real meaning of the book (probably written in
the reign of Domitian around AD 95) seems to have been quietly forgotten
already at an early stage. Papias (early 2nd century) seems unsure whether the
apostle John really wrote all works attributed to him. Justin Martyr (mid 2nd
century) admits that Revelation was interpreted differently by different
Christians during his lifetime. The Church Father Irenaeus (late 2nd century)
claimed to know the correct interpretation of Revelation from Polycarp,
supposedly a disciple of John. But not even Irenaeus knew the meaning of the
mysterious number 666. Thus, the knowledge of Revelation (or even its
authorship) was lost during the second century. Yet, John supposedly didn't die
until AD 100 and his disciple Polycarp not until AD 150 - 160! My guess is that
Revelation was an obscure work which might not even have been written by John,
but which survived because it was wrongly attributed to him. Then, various
Christian writers projected their pet theological notions onto the text (some
even rejected it), and the rest is history. As for Irenaues, he was only a
small boy when he met Polycarp, ruling out more advanced teachings being
imparted to him by the old man.
"Four views on the Book of Revelation" might give theology students
an overview of the most common interpretations within American Protestant
fundamentalism, but it really says very little about Revelation itself.
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