Monday, May 25, 2020

The god species

This is a funny video clip for school children (well, at least I *hope* it is intended for a younger demographic). I found it by accident the other day and realized that it clears up a really weird statement on Wiki about Argentine ants having created a super-colony that spans the entire world! Er, what? Wiki is clearly suffering from some kind of derangement syndrome, so thank god we have this little children channel readily accesible on our I-pods. 

It seems most Argentine ants outside Argentina *do* belong to a global super-colony, due to the fact that they are descended from a small number of genetically similar queens. This is apparently unprecedented even among ants. 

Let alone humans...

The social conquest of the Earth already happened. The catch is it wasn´t Homo deus, but Linepithema humile. 

Linepithema humile deus. 

Exorcizing the Flat Earth demon

Chaos magician Thomas Sheridan believes that some people who believe in the flat earth might be demon-possessed, and in this clip, actually carries out an exorcism to drive out said demon. 

He emphasizes in the commentaries that this is *not* a joke video, but a actual Druid-shamanic ritual. His main argument in the exorcism itself is that the flat earth looks like something taken from the UN flag! That´s true, and since the UN are supposed to be "Illuminati", how can a conspiracy theorist believe it? 

Unfortunately, I don´t think the argument will work on the die hards, since they might simply claim that the Illuminati UN flag *proves* the flat earth. Maybe spanking them with mistletoe will do the trick... 

Michael Tracey on Tara Reade

Michael Tracey is a liberal commentator who tries to play the role of "voice of reason" in current American discourse. Inevitably, he has therefore been attacked by essentially everyone: Clinton-Biden fans suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, Bernie Sanders fans suffering from Biden Derangement Syndrome, and now Trump fans suffering from Donald-itis. Are we to believe the talented Mr Tracey, Trump is no fascist authoritarian, Sanders didn´t lose because of election fraud but for other reasons more related to his own campaign, and Tara Reade isn´t credible when claiming that Joe Biden raped her. The article below was published in The Spectator on May 15.

Do you believe Tara Reade?

There is also a follow up in this more recent YouTube clip.

The paranoid style in American politics

From Jimmy Dore Show. Simply hilarious take on the Russian collusion narrative. And yes, it´s a conspiracy theory. Note how one of its main promoters now claim that somehow Russia is behind *the conspiracy theory about Russia*. Whaaaat???

This truly is "the paranoid style in American politics". How ironic that the paranoia is being spread by supposedly enlightened liberals!

End of the line for "Russiagate"

Jimmy Dore Show on the end of Russiagate. Four years of shit...debunked! Excellent overview of the only conspiracy theory *liberals* are allowed to believe in. Yet, it´s not included in the standard surveys of bad-bad-bad conspiracy theories. I sure wonder why.

It will be interesting to see what they say about this in another four years. Not to mention all the other claptrap they´ve been peddling lately. None mentioned, but none forgotten. My guess is that they will deny any of this ever happened, and accuse people like me of spreading conspiracy theories about liberal conspiracy theories!

My head hurts already. 

And then they just start lying about something else instead. 

Waking cosmos, infinite mind

Donald Hoffman discusses his theories about the universe being an "infinite mind". It´s part of the same series as the interview with Rupert Sheldrake I linked to in a previous blog post. I might come back to Hoffman in the near future, but for now, I will just link to Waking Cosmo´s conversation with him. Enjoy! 

Rupert Sheldrake is The Man

This is the long interview with Rupert Sheldrake, scientific heresiarch extraordinaire and black sheep of biochemistry, apart from also being a process philosopher and therefore a panentheist. In other, on another quantum time line! 

I don´t have the time to write a summary of the interview here and now (I might consider doing it at some later time in another post), but since the conversation speaks for itself, you might as well start listening to it right away... 

Rupert Sheldrake is The Man.


This is one of the funnier clips on YouTube. The otherwise unknown Justin Wolfson has exactly *one* clip on the forum, and yet almost 4,000 subscribers. 

The reason is that his sole clip is about DMT, a psychedelic substance which seems to be very much in vogue right now, some people even calling it "atheist-changing". Apparently, a DMT trip can turn a life-long atheist into a believer in the supernatural in little under 10 minutes. 

Wolfson simply shared his experiences with DMT-induced visions, and the YouTube commentariat went ablaze! I admit that it´s fascinating. The astral world has never been more fun... 

But perhaps a bit too New Age for my theological tastes!

Indigo denial

A look into the strange American subculture (of course it´s American) called "Indigo children". Connected to the New Age scene, Indigo children are said to be highly gifted, spiritual and perhaps even psychic individuals sent by Source (or whoever New Age believers think is out there) to save the world (no less). Everyone else think they have ADHD or ADD...

Which is probably the correct explanation. What I found most disturbing about this milieu is how parents in denial are brain-washing their kids into thinking that they really are some kind of supernatural geniuses. Otherwise, there is a lot of cringe in this VICE documentary. There is the "holistic dentist" in New York that uses tuning forks for reasons best known to themselves. We also get to meet a family where the son clearly states (in front of everyone) that his sister isn´t special, much to the shock and dismay of the New Age mother, who regards her as a Messiah-like Indigo. Weirdly, there is also a Black hip hop band within the Indigo community! 

I think it´s obvious what´s going on here. In America, nobody can afford being a failure, so therefore every disability has to be redefined as a hidden superpower or new "identity". Which in this case is somewhat ironic, since people with these conditions *can* succeed, given the right stimuli (and in some cases, treatment). Perhaps the problem isn´t so much the kids, as the parents, who feel like "failures" just because their children aren´t 100% Made in Amerika Super Duper, according to the stereotypes 20 years ago?

Not really my cup of ice tea, I´m afraid, but it does work as a very short introduction to this particular subculture. 

Not everyone get machine elves

An interesting excerpt from a longer interview with David Luke, who researches the "atheist-changing" psychedelic drug DMT. 

Many believe, or want to believe, that the vivid visionary experiences during DMT trips can prove the supernatural worldview and the existence of a spirit-world. Luke claims that many such experiences are not contaminated by previous cultural or personal expectations - which, unfortunately, could be very difficult to prove objectively. 

And yes, he mentions our old friends the "mantis aliens"... 

Yes, the sun is conscious. Next question, please!

Scientific heretic extraordinaire Rupert Sheldrake says that the sun could be conscious. Well, why the heck not? Solar Logos, anyone? Note that he references pagan religious traditions when discussing the issue! 

The clip is from a longer interview, which I will link to shortly. Pun unintended.

Trump is FUCKING you

A leftist analysis of the "corona bailout" in the United States. Could be important! 

Dylan Ratigan describes the "bailout" (passed almost unanimously by both Democrats and Republicans) as the biggest robbery in world history, consolidating the resources in the hands of the super-rich. Meanwhile, unemployment and the collapse of Social Security will hit the ordinary US citizen hard. Dylan says that the United States is already "functionally a Third World country" if you strip away the military, Wall Street and Hollywood. 

Show host Jimmy Dore says the following: "I know many conservatives are listening to my show, since I´m a truth-teller. So I´m telling you right now: TRUMP IS FUCKING YOU". 

Another classic, this time from Dylan: "Americans don´t like democratic socialism, but they seem to want corporate socialism. America today is a corporate socialist country". 

Both guys are also very critical of their own leftist leaders, such as The Squad and Bernie Sanders, for not doing more to lead the resistance against the "bailout".

As I said, this content could be important. Let´s synchronize our watches and meet here again in 2024... 

If you dare.

Tänk om *alla* har fel om corona?

Italienska popbandet Corona 

Länk till intressant artikel i Aftonbladet, skriven av Wolfgang Hansson. Tänk om *ingen* strategi egentligen har lyckats mot corona? Tänk om det mest handlar om tur eller otur? Läs inte detta om du dogmatiskt tror på ena eller andra sidan i "debatten" om corona...

Förnuftets röst om corona

Aftonbladets Wolfgang Hansson verkar ha blivit något slags "förnuftets röst" när det gäller coronapandemin. 

I denna artikel påpekar han att i stort sett alla länder ägnar sig åt önsketänkande när det gäller viruset, både de som är extremt restriktiva och de som satsat på en mindre repressiv linje (läs Sverige). 

Dödligheten är ungefär lika hög i båda typerna av länder, flockimmunitet är i princip en myt, och ett effektivt vaccin kan i allra bästa fall finnas klart om ett år. Och det vore rekord. Nya Zeeland, som säger sig ha besegrat smittan med hjälp av en stenhård karantän, riskerar att drabbas ändå, nu när den upphört och gränserna ska öppnas igen. 

Hansson kommer till slut fram till att nedstängningen av ekonomin inte fungerar, och att vi måste öppna upp samhället igen - dock fortfarande med vissa restriktioner. Alltså en ännu "frivilligare" linje än den Sverige har för närvarande. Jag börjar nästan misstänka att han har rätt... 

Alla önsketänker om viruset - oavsett strategi

Muh Russians no more

The length to which Trump is willing to go in order to prove to Joe Biden (and LRP-COFI) that he isn´t a Russian asset... 

Jokes aside, if this continues, we might get a nuclear winter even before we die of over-heating due to climate change! 

Könskriget som kom av sig

Jag trodde ROKS stod för "könskrig" eller något sådant? Har jag fel?

Vänsterpartiet tar ställning mot kvinnoidrott

Vänsterpartiet är tydligen mot kvinnoidrott. Fast det är antagligen mot manlig idrott också, så det kanske jämnar ut sig?

Is China lying about the coronavirus?

I have no idea whether this is true or not, so this is a link "for the record" only. A "landmark scientific study" supposedly shows that the coronavirus didn´t come from the wet market in Wuhan, since it was already adapted for human-to-human transmission. The Daily Mail suggests that the virus came from a bio-lab in Wuhan, something China hotly denies. Note also that the study, made in Canada, has not been peer-reviewed yet. 

The anniversary of the battle of Agincourt

Dick Harrison is a Swedish historian and prolific writer. OK, let me guess. The prof is retired? ;-) 

“Hundraårskriget” is Harrison´s popularized introduction to the Hundred Years´ War, a series of military conflicts between England and France between 1337 and 1453. I admit that I found it boring and slightly depressing. But then, the author might have done so, too! I mean, it´s not a pretty story. 

Most of the Hundred Years´ War is a long and (from our perspective) meaningless conflict between different French aristocratic factions (even England was ruled by a French-derived royal dynasty) for sheer control over turf, with the civilian population as usual stuck somewhere in the middle. The only character that stands out and could be seen as a hero is, of course, Joan of Arc. Perhaps also the Breton nobleman Bertrand de Guesclin, one of the few successful French commanders for most of the war, who systematically harassed the English with guerilla tactics. All the other French lords seem to have been a bunch of decorated fools. 

As for arch-villains, there are at least two: the Black Prince (on the English side) and Gilles de Rais on the French ditto. The latter was a Satanist and paedophile who murdered children during torture orgies at his castle. During his trial, he “recanted” and got the satisfaction of seeing the locals pray for his soul as he was led to the place of execution. A sociopath if there ever was one. Bizarrely, he was a comrade-in-arms of Joan of Arc! 

And yes, the battle of Agincourt, made world famous by “Fawlty Towers”, took place during the Hundred Years´ War. No relation to Yom Kippur, though...

Norse mythology as dark fantasy

Johan Egerkrans is a Swedish writer and illustrator. Three of his books have been translated to English: “Vaesen: Spirits and Monsters of Scandinavian Folklore”, “Norse Gods” and “The Undead”. This is a review of “Norse Gods”, which I read in the Swedish original version, “Nordiska gudar”. It contains the author-illustrator´s personal take on the Norse or “Viking” pagan pantheon. Or so the preface says. Not being a scholarly expert on ancient Scandinavian religion, my impression is that the author´s personal take on the mythological narrative is pretty similar to the “canonical” version.

What *is* different are the illustrations (in both color and black-and-white). Egerkrans has a background in video games and role playing games. I don´t, but the illustrations do tend towards the “comic superhero” stereotypes (such as the main illustration of Thor). There is also a strong resemblance to the LOTR franchise: Odin is Gandalf, Surtr is the Balrog, and so on. But then, Tolkien in his turn was inspired by Norse mythology, so here, there is really cross-pollination. The darker side of the Norse worldview is prominently featured, from the original murder-sacrifice of Ymir to Ragnarök and the new world beyond, where evil still lurks in the form of the dragon Nidhogg, who survived the apocalypse. Note also that Egerkrans´ two other books are to a large extent about monsters and hobgoblins!

Personally, I find the parallels between Norse and other mythologies fascinating. I mean, the resemblances are striking. Ymir = Purusha. Thor = Indra. The giants = the Asuras. Odin = Kal or the Demiurge (?). Yggdrasil = the Tree of Life (but also axis mundi). Heimdall = the angel guarding Eden, the Dweller on the Threshold. Bifröst = Chinvat Bridge. Baldr = Osiris, Christ. The Midgard Snake = Ouroburos. Ragnarök = Kali Yuga. Gimle = the Millennium. But that´s for another time…


Cryptozoology be damned

“Around the world in 80 trees” is a book published in 2018. The British author´s name is Jonathan Drori. The illustrations (which I frankly don´t like) were made by Lucille Clerc. Drori is the quintessential super-nerd, a guy who grew up outside the Kew Botanical Gardens in London and later became one of its trustees! He has also worked for the WWF and various other conservationist groups.

Drori and Clerc take us on a wild journey around the world presenting popular science facts (or factoids?) about 80 species of trees. Come and learn everything about the connection between the Leyland cypress, the British Anti-Social Behaviour Act and Lady Gardner, the Baroness of Parks. Or how about trees that can become 1,000 years old? Did you know that violins made from European spruce growing during the Little Ice Age make better sounds than any other? Or that alder made Venice a great military power during the Middle Ages, while literally keeping the entire city, ahem, above water? 

We also learn that neem oil is an excellent pesticide for use in organic farming, that goats love to climb argan trees, and that a poison extracted from the Chinese lacquer tree is used by Shingon Buddhist monks to self-mummify. Yes, you read that right. Meanwhile, Israeli scientists have managed to make 2,000 year old seeds found at Masada grow. The seeds belong to an extinct subspecies of date palm mentioned by Josephus. Or not so extinct, as it turns out! Finally, I have to mention the Wollemia, believed to be extinct for 65 million years, until it was rediscovered in a small corner of an Australian national park… Crypto-zoology be damned, here comes crypto-botany.

I´m not an expert on trees, but I did manage to find two factual errors in this book anyway. Yes, we are in “Well, actually” territory, boyz´n girlz. The first one is a major gaffe. Surely, the evil captain onboard the “Bounty” was named William Bligh, not Robert? The second one is that the author wrongly attributes “De Mirabilis” to Aristotle. It´s his distant evolutionary cousin Pseudo-Aristotle, of course. I also find Drori´s constant politically correct preaching about this and that annoying. Still, I don´t regret picking up a Swedish-translation copy of this book (full price) at my local bookstore. It did made me marvel more than once at the claim that humans (?!) are the crown of creation. Yeah, whatever…

Steeped in esotericism

“Det ockulta sekelskiftet” is a book by Per Faxneld, Assistant Professor of religious studies in Sweden. The book, which I don´t think has been translated to any foreign language, deals with female Swedish esotericists during the first half of the 20th century. Among other things!

A substantial portion of the work is about other (though still related) topics. Faxneld has written a general introduction to a number of esoteric or related currents, including alchemy, Theosophy, Spiritualism, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and Swedenborgianism. And yes, there are some really cool photos of Goetheanum and its interior, taken by Faxneld himself. (That would be Anthroposophy, btw.) A problem is that the author doesn´t always distinguish between the main branches of Theosophy, which were quite different from each other. Something tells me Swedish-Norwegian king Oscar II stayed clear of Annie Besant and Leadbeater!

A subsequent chapter deals with the cultural influence in Europe of esotericism or occultism during the late 19th century and early 20th century, which turns out to have been *considerable*. Examples include the Spiritualist interests of Victor Hugo and Arthur Conan Doyle, the magical pursuits of W B Yeats, the novels of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Joséphin Péladan´s art salons, Stanislaw Przybyszewski´s Satanism, and much of Symbolist art. Zooming in on Sweden, August Strindberg studied Theosophy (although he pretended not to like it), his “inferno crisis” could be seen as occultic, and he un-ironically studied alchemy. Swedish painter Carl Larsson and socialist activist Kata Dalström studied Theosophy, the latter even joined the Adyar branch. In Finland, Edith Södergran had a strong interest in Anthroposophy. In Norway, Edvard Munch was often, rightly or wrongly, considered to be an esoteric painter. The previously mentioned Oscar II met Colonel Olcott and had contacts with Katherine Tingley, the leader of the “Pasadena” Theosophists.

The most interesting chapters of “Det ockulta sekelskiftet” deal with a number of female occultists in Sweden. All of them had an upper class background and received an excellent education. Huldine Beamish-Mossander wanted to combine Catholicism, Judaism and Spiritualism. To that end, she founded the Edelweiss League (Edelweissförbundet). The interest in Judaism is somewhat ironic, since a certain Hermann Göring once visited the chapel of the Edelweiss League. The reason? His Swedish wife Carin was a member, and also Huldine´s daughter! Admittedly, this was before the Third Reich.

Then there was Lucile Lagerbielke, who tried to form a synthesis of Christianity, Spiritualism and Theosophy. Lagerbielke called herself “Paula” and claim to have been blind for three days after having her first vision. Sounds familiar? She argued that Christ was the first socialist, and in 1920 formed Framtidens-Folks-Förbund (FFF) or the League of the People of the Future. One thing not spotted by Faxneld is that “FFF” is “666” (F being the sixth letter in the alphabet), surely something not unknown to a highly educated occultist. Lagerbielke authored many books and was also a painter. Her sister Princess Mary Karadja (she was married to an Ottoman diplomat and hence an Ottoman princess), was an ardent Spiritualist. Bizarrely, Lagerbielke once tried to get her committed to a mental asylum for hearing voices, and so on!

Next, we have Tyra Kleen, who was a painter and poet, often working in the Symbolist tradition. Kleen´s works have a dark athmosphere about them. She later became a Theosophist.

The main character of this book, however, is Hilma af Klint. Today, her art has become increasingly popular (unfortunately, I missed the exhibition at Millesgården in Stockholm last year). The reason seems to be that many of her works are abstract, and she could therefore be seen as a precursor in the realm of abstract art. I find her output frankly weird and filled with much Theosophical symbolism. Hilma af Klint was originally a member of Edelweissförbundet, but later co-founded a small and secretive group simply called De Fem (The Five). Its purpose was to create the usual synthesis between Christianity, Theosophy and Spiritualism. Séances were an important part of the group´s life. The Five claimed to be in touch with a kind of Ascended Masters simply called “De höga” (The High Ones or the Supreme Ones), which never communicated directly, but only through six lower spirits. The messages came through by automatic writing or channeling. Interestingly, De Fem actually administered communion to its members. After joining the Adyar Theosophists, af Klint formed a new group called De Tretton (The Thirteen) but failed to unite it with The Five. Hilma af Klint later left the Adyar society and instead joined Anthroposophy. It seems her new esoteric friends had little or no appreciation for her artistic endeavors, and she therefore left that movement, also.

Faxneld ends the book with a brief discussion on present-day esoteric influence on pop culture, and tries to justify esotericism in some kind of “politically correct” terms. He sees esotericism as global, open and tolerant. Note also that many prominent esotericists were women. This is presumably a counter-reaction to the skeptical discourse on the same topic, which often depicts occult pursuits as “Nazi”. While that is obviously an oversimplification, the global-liberal angle doesn´t feel entirely convincing either. One problematic thing pointed out by the author himself in the main portion of his book is the elitist aspect. Symbolist painters and poets very deliberately made their output incomprehensible to the dumb masses, something that fits hand in glove with the idea of spiritual secret knowledge known only to the initiated few. Note once again that the female occultists described in “Det ockulta sekelskiftet” were very atypical women for their time, with means and a good education.

That being said, I liked this book. It´s another example of a genre I flagged for previously, in which prominent personages previously considered "safe for modernity" turns out to have been steeped in the secret lore... 

With that, I leave you for now.

A non-canonical Church?

“Sveriges kyrkohistoria” is an 8-volume series in Swedish about Swedish church history. Volume 2, subtitled “Hög- och senmedeltid”, covers the period from 1248 to 1523. In other words, the High and Late Middle Ages, from the Council of Skänninge to the Protestant Reformation. This was the period when the Catholic Church consolidated itself in Sweden and became a powerful player in society, often in close alliance with the nobility.

The Council of Skänninge, which took place in 1248, marks the beginning of this process. Nominally a local church council, it was actually a meeting at which the Church negotiated with the worldly leaders, most notably Birger jarl, the effective ruler of Sweden at this time (a jarl was a “prime minister”, but Birger jarl was more powerful than the king). The clerical delegation was headed by William of Sabina, the papal legate who had arrived in Sweden to reorganize the Church province. At the time, canon law was almost never followed in far-away Sweden, indeed, it might not even have been widely known. Priests were not celibate, their sons inherited Church property, and very often a priest would be succeeded by one of his sons, making the priesthood de facto hereditary. Tithes paid to the local churches were often sequestered by the nobility, since the nobles usually financed the building of churches and hence demanded compensation. On all of these points, William demanded swift changes. Due to Sweden´s relative isolation and decentralization (despite attempts by Birger jarl and later rulers to centralize the polity), the reforms codified at Skänninge were difficult to implement. The Church never fully implemented canon law, instead following the church statutes in the regional secular law codes. Despite frequent national synods, the Church remained decentralized throughout the Middle Ages, with different liturgies in different dioceses. Another anomaly – this time one which the papacy upheld – was that the Swedish archbishop in Uppsala was subordinated to the archbishop of Lund. This could be a problem since Lund was on Danish territory, Sweden and Denmark frequently being enemy nations.

As already mentioned, the Church leadership had close connections with the nobility, including family ties. The archbishop was the first in rank in the king´s governing council, and all bishops belonged to both the council and the broader “herredag” (a kind of quasi-parliament). The coronation of the king was seen as a religious act. He was “king by the grace of God” and the coronation outfit looked like that of a deacon. Monasteries and convents gradually became more aristocratic in character. This is most obvious in the case of the Vadstena Abbey, the mother house of the Bridgettine order, which eventually became the largest landowner in Sweden! The seats of the bishops were often built like defensive castles. During the 15th century, the bishops were active participants in the internal power struggles, often with their own private armies. It´s also interesting to note that the Stockholm bloodbath, Danish king Christian II´s violent purge of his Swedish opponents, was nominally the result of a heresy trial!

“Sveriges kyrkohistoria” also contain chapters on the Northern crusades and various missionary activities. A 14th century Sami (Lap) prophetess named Margareta was a missionary among her own co-ethnics, with the blessings of the Church hierarchy. Naturally, an entire chapter is devoted to Birgitta Birgersdotter (Saint Bridget), her daughter Katarina Ulfsdotter (Saint Catherine) and the monastic order they founded at Vadstena. Bridget´s supposed divine revelations fill several volumes, in which she frequently criticized both the clergy, the nobility and the Swedish king Magnus Eriksson for sinful living. Bridget carried out pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostella and Jerusalem, tried to negotiate a peace between England and France during the Hundred Years´ War, and eventually settled in Rome, demanding that the papacy return there from its “Babylonian captivity” in Avignon. Bridget was officially canonized by the Catholic Church after her death, and is today regarded as one of the “patron saints of Europe”.

The book also contains interesting information on local Church life. It seems that the most prosperous peasants in a given locality had a certain influence over Church affairs through the “sockenstämma”, which elected the priest and controlled the economy of the parish together with him. The medieval mass was very different from the modern Catholic mass, but also from the Tridentine mass supported by Catholic traditionalists. Very often, only the priest and his closest attendant participated, the mass was celebrated in near-darkness, and a barrier in front of the altar made it almost impossible for any congregants to actually see what was going on! The whole thing reminds me of a mystery temple. Of course, the mass was in Latin. “Sveriges kyrkohistoria” mentions some really weird facts. Or weird to me in 2020. Statues of Christ or the saints were often stolen from the churches, Mary was sometimes depicted with bare breasts, and one of the venerated saints was a fictitious character. Among her many names are Saint Kakukylla and Saint Kakikatna. She was invoked against rats!

Although the book sometimes gets too tedious (the description of the 15th century power struggles is perhaps a bit too detailed), nevertheless overall recommended if (modern) Swedish is your first language.

Wtf, I love Uncle Joe now

"If you can´t choose between me and Trump, you aint Black". 

That´s such a BADASS statement, especially when being interviewed by a guy known as Charlamagne tha God. 

It´s a pity Biden apologized, since the quip triggered conservatives and libertarians to no end. "Muh Democratic Plantation", "Muh Democrats are the real racists". 

Yeah, whatever you say, con-libbers. You´re just angry because Uncle Joe pointed out that there is literally *nothing* cons and libertarians can do to win the Black vote. Oh, the self-righteous autistic screeching! 

Biden should have stuck to his guns on this one...