Showing posts with label Lunatic fringe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lunatic fringe. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Peak 2025


So it actually happened. A mad scientist (?) recently proposed to detonate a nuclear bomb to save the world from global warming. Yes, really.

At least he didn´t propose an actual nuclear war. Instead, the idea seems to be to detonate the mother of all A-bombs on the sea floor off the sinisterly named Desolation Island (a.k.a. Kerguelen) and then just await the results with folded arms. Pun almost intended!

The results, if I understand Sabine´s video above, is that the explosion will free enormous amounts of basalt into the sea water. The basalt will somehow bind carbon dioxide and hence save the day. Interestingly, Hossenfelder doesn´t say that its technically impossible to actually do justs costs a lot of money! And may have, ahem, unintended consequences...

Peak 2025 has arrived. Already.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025



- What do you mean, guv?
I identify as a llama, I do!

Maybe there is *one* close US ally Donald Trump should invade. Or why not a good ol´fashioned German blitz? LOL.

Lefty lunacy

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Indonesia is Palestine?


Breitbart News pretends that "The MAGA Strip" is a serious and workable proposal. It´s really just a more hair-brained version of the old super-Zionist idea "Jordan is Palestine". And probably a typical Trumpite diversion of some kind...

Exclusive: Israel may propose moving Palestinians from Gaza to Indonesia

The hiddenness of Dyson Spheres


A lot of cope in the YouTube commentary section right now as a new paper *again* disproves the existence of Dyson Spheres. The techno-freaks claim that maybe they are - wait for it - invisible. 

Yeah, so the hiddenness of God counts as evidence against God, but the hiddenness of Dyson Spheres doesn´t count as evidence against Dyson Spheres? Funny how that works.  

I think the concept of a Dyson Sphere says more about the cornucopian fever dreams of modern (human) civilization, than it does about aliens... 

Fake and gay


Dinosaurs are supposedly fake and gay?! Birds, maybe. I mean, they look like a bunch of flamboyant strutting peacocks. Male birds dance, too. But dinosaurs? Naaah.

Wait a sec...

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Klan country


No relation to anything 

Just spotted on YouTube: an ad for a Halloween costume (!) which looks like a Klan outfit (!!). Also known as "the whole world went mad in November", episode 7,621.   

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The dance of destruction


Darwin as skeleton dancing with Kali as monkey!

Here is that Darwin quote again.

>>>Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed [by the Creator] into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.>>>

Was Darwin secretely a devotee of Kali? It just struck me that this is how pagan cultures saw the Goddess: simultaneously cruel, creative and nurturing. That´s Mother Nature for you, right there. Note also that there is a patriarchal god hiding in the background, "breathing" life into the "forms". A bit like when the sky god impregnates the earth goddess, perhaps? Then, the dance starts. The dance of destruction, which is also a creative force. And if you receive a special blessing, you will see the famine and death as beautiful and most wonderful...

The secular ideas of any given epoch truly are the religious ideas of the preceding epoch with the serial numbers filed off.

Of course, there is another possibility: just like Marx "put Hegel on his feet", Darwin put Kali on hers. The pagan ideas of any given epoch are *materialist* truths about the world, distorted through the lens of superstition, idealism and subjective speculation. And look how they ultimately converge: one day, science will discover that matter really can *think* and that animatism is true. Then, the scientist himself will become a *shaman*. Fermi´s paradox might follow, LOL. 

So is science religion with its serial numbers filed off? Or is religion materialism seen in a distorting mirror?  Ultimately, of course, it doesn´t really matter either way. The *real* question remains unanswered: is there a way out of here? And if so, what is it? 

Somehow, I prefer Lady Hope to Mother Nature!     

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Pandas are fake and gay (?!)


YouTube´s biggest troll and/or resident kook extraordinaire Hans Wormhat claims that Giant Pandas aren´t real animals, but human actors in fur suits?! The reasons are somewhat unclear. Other fake animals include koalas, anacondas, penguins and the Great White Shark. Zebras are real, but probably painted to look striped. OK, so I haven´t linked to *all* of his fake animal videos. But you get the pic. 

Great Apes are of course also fake, but in this case, the supposed reasons are at least clear enough. Wormhat is a creationist, so obviously the human primates dressing up like apes in zoos and national parks are paid agitators for Darwin´s evolutionary theory! I mean, aint that obvious?

Apparently, Mike Tyson knows the truth - that´s why the legendary boxer offered to fight a gorilla in the ring. He knew that the rilla was really a non-boxing man in a monkey suit. Tyson knows since he is presumably initiated into the Club, and is really a very muscular female?! Yes, Mr Wormhat also believes in conspiracy theories about transgender or intersex people being pretty much everywhere... 

Tinfoil Hat, pardon, Wormhat also claims to believe that the Earth is flat, so naturally the ISS must be a gigantic hoax, too. It´s actually a submersible.

I think I know exactly who is fake around here, but sure, I suppose there is a remote chance that Hans actually believes all of this. Just don´t tell Tyson.      



Hans Wormhat is a notorious troll on YouTube, who claims to believe in a large number of fairly absurd conspiracy theories. My favorite is the claim that Giant Pandas are really human actors dressed in fur suites! The whole thing could be parody (note the strange name "Wormhat" and its similarity to "Tinfoil Hat"), but on the web, it´s really impossible to know. 

The clips above sound seriously paranoid, but - as I said - who knows? Wormhat is into something called "transvestigation", apparently the idea that many female celebrities are really male (and sometimes vice versa). I noted accusations like this against Michelle Obama and the first lady of France, but always assumed they were tongue-in-cheek. However, it seems some people (Incels?) un-ironically believe in the claims. This is combined with ideas about secret societies and initiations, et cetera. 

Mr Wormhat takes the whole thing to an entirely new level, claiming that "they are all trannies" and that transvestigation has therefore become meaningless. Says Wormhat, half of the current human population is intersex. Many "men" are really women, many "women" are men. Mike Tyson, for instance, is a woman. Wormhat claims that his entire family consist of "Baphos" or "Baphometians", a reference to the androgyne devil-like figure Baphomet (popularized in the US by the Satanic Temple). His "sister" was really his brother, his "brother" was his sister, and his "father" was the one who gave birth to him?! It´s not clear why these genetic deformities didn´t hurt Wormhat? 

Wormhat claims to be a Biblical Christian (while rejecting the apostle Paul!), but his view of the intersex people is surprisingly coy. He sees most of them as victims of the system and therefore preaches charity. Which is intriguing to be sure, since conservative Christians are dead against any form of transgenderism, regarding it as fakery. Wormhat hints that it´s more complicated than this. Perhaps the intersex caste system is the result of a eugenics breeding program of the secret cabals?

Make of this "investigation" whatsoever ye wish.    


Humiliation fetish


Why do some people believe (or pretend to believe) in obviously absurd and downright silly things, such as flat earthism, that giant pandas are really actors in fur suits, that Mike Tyson is a woman, and so on? One explanation I stumbled across on the proverbial internets is that it´s a "humiliation fetish". 

But who is being humiliated? Answer: pretty much everyone. This includes those who believe in the strange claims of the troll, those who know he´s trolling but can´t help getting angry anyway and - most importantly - the troll himself. 

Yes, the troll gets a kick out of being humiliated. In other words, the whole thing is a form of sado-masochism. 

That would actually explain a thing or two. Once you see it, you can´t unsee it! And it works just as well for true believers in really absurd causes... 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Kevin Spacey is the devil


This stuff is probably mostly of interest to myself, for reasons I´m probably not going to disclose. Yepp, it´s our old friend, the globetrotting spiritualist medium Cyrus Kirkpatrick, more rambling and extreme than ever! He´s interviewed by one James Rink, who is just as delusional as Kirkpatrick himself.

Kirkpatrick claims to have inside information about something he calls "the dark fleet", apparently evil space aliens of some kind. They are in league with the Rothschilds and the Jewish mafia, who financed the Nazis blah-blah. The TV series "Star Trek" was real, including the alien races known as Betazoid, the Q Continuum and Cardassians but strangely enough not the Klingons. The actress Marina Sirtis, who starred a Betazoid, actually was Betazoid?! Tulsi Gabbard is a liasion officer with the good aliens and has offices on many planets in our galaxy. And yes, the devil looks like Kevin Spacey!

This whole space opera is spiced with Kirkpatrick´s old spiritual message very freely based on "The Law of One" plus various criticisms of the New Age and "The Secret". 

Kirkpatrick also strongly implies that he was a secret agent in North Korea trying to turn Kim Jong-un (he did visit the isolated nation years ago) and that Kim will probably withdraw his troops from Russia and side with Trump. 

The interviewer, Rink, describes himself thus in his channel presentation: "I am a milab and operate Sibeus and Arbeus avatars and super soldier cyborg missions involving searches, rescues, and exterminations for montauk and OW ops. I have been subjected to trauma, monarch programming, and human cloning connected to military abductions and alien mind control." Oh. His YouTube channel is called Super Soldier Talk, which I think is a reference to another space opera that´s supposedly true. Will check...or perhaps not.

Good luck with this content. Or not.

Thursday, December 12, 2024



What´s up with the red heifer situation? This update is from early August. Have the Jewish fundamentalists backed down? Or did animal rights activists rescue their poor cows? 

Israelis practice red heifer ritual in front of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Strange tales about Jesus




Some Jesus-related drama on the internets this week... 

Conspiracy theorist Billy Carson loses a debate with a Christian scholar and then tries to sue him?! 

Carson seems to be promoting a version of Zecheria Sitchin´s Annunaki-Nibiru alternative history scenario. Atlantis, Jesus in India, "The Da Vinci Code", modern apocrypha and some kind of Neo-Gnosticism are other staples. 

Which may or may not be interesting. However, his knowledge of ancient scripture does need some honing. Maybe he should read Per Beskow´s "Strange Tales About Jesus"?

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Friday, November 29, 2024



Chairman Mao, come back, all is forgiven! How is this even possible? Money laundering? Is crypto real money in the first place? 

So some "crypto entrepreneur" bought a banana for 6 million dollars and then consumed it. The banana was apparently "conceptual art"?!  

Crypto entrepreneur eats banana he bought for 6 million dollars

Thursday, November 28, 2024

I chimp out, therefore I am


Stupid research disproves a thought experiment which was stupid to begin with. It never disproved evolution, since evolution isn´t "random" in the same sense as the monkeys with the typewriter. That being said...sure, the origins of life might be more interesting, for if *that* isn´t random, some kind of panpsychism or pantheism becomes a distinct possibility.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Ava spelled backwards


These memes are breaking X right now. No idea what they mean and no inclination of finding out. They are called "Wifejak" and "Daughterjak", respectively. Whatever.