Saturday, August 25, 2018

Well, it's stuck on the wrong pole, of course it's angry

Bad actors, illogical plot, a monster that couldn't scare a three-year old... Yepp, it's one of *those* movies again, LOL. This time, even the geography is “out there”. The plot is set in Antarctica, yet the production is titled “ARCTIC Predator”. I suppose “South Pole Horror”, “Terror on the Ice” or “Alien Storm” were already occupied by some obscure Bosnian zombie flicks, ha ha. With better actors (and different maps), “Arctic Predator” could have been barely bearable, with its original monster hailing from the planet Jupiter (our man Rudolf Steiner would have some interesting things to say about *that*, I'm sure), but as it is, it's hardly worth two hours of your precious time. One star! And it's ANTarctica, honey.

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