Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Inexplicable failure

The link below is to a peculiar article in an on-line academic journal. The authors do make a few interesting points, but within a context that frequently made me gasp. I sincereky wonder whether the article is Chinese propaganda! And yes, even some TDS have been incorporated into the "peer reviewed" paper... 

First, some of the interesting points. The authors argue that pre-modern state formations weren't necessarily worse than modern polities. Even an undemocratic regime can have the long-term consent of the governed. This is predicted by something the authors call Collective Action Theory. "Good government" in the ancient world included public works, free distribution of food for the needy, large-scale infrastructure and "joint production", by which the authors presumably mean that the patrician class wasn't exploiting the plebeians. They must have exploited the slaves, though - one of the good regimes mentioned in the article is the Roman polity from Caesar to Marcus Aurelius.

Other examples of good regimes discussed in the article include early Ming China, the Mughal Empire under Akbar the Great, and the Republic of Venice. The most sensational finding is that good governments don't last much longer than bad ones. On average, both types of regime last about one century and a half, with good governments surviving only a decade more than bad ones. Also, the collapse of a good government is usually much worse than that of a bad one. However, this seems to be true by definition: since good regimes invest heavily in infrastructure and a kind of welfare state, they are bound to collapse more dramatically than a regime which never cared about such things in the first place. 

However, somewhere here, the article goes seriously off rails. It claims that good regimes fail because the ruling elite (or is it the actual ruler himself) for "inexplicable reasons" experience a "moral failing". Inexplicable? Moral? And this from modern and presumably secular historians! At times, the authors sound like Confucian preachers, extolling the virtues and bemoaning the vices of emperors. They actually blame the decline of Rome on the bad morality of Commodus! I suppose he lost the Mandate of the Stoa, whatever. 

When discussing Venice, the authors write that the Doges could no longer be effectively impeached.


Yes, they mean Donald J Trump. For *inexplicable* reasons, the current God-Emperor of MAGA is a moral failure, presumably being a clear and present danger to the social contract between ruler and ruled. To their credit, the authors do begin their odyssey through the morally failed American political landscape with Watergate and the Nixon presidency, but this simply makes their position even more, shall we say, inexplicable. Surely there are structural reasons for America's slow decline as a good government since the 1970's? Also, what if voters chose Trump in the (perhaps mistaken) belief that he can restore the "joint production"? 

As for the one and a half century which is the average life span of any regime (impeachable or not), if the current US regime was established after the Civil War, 2020 is indeed near its end point. If it was established by McKinley, I suppose we still have a few decades, and I suppose moral failings, to go... 

Moral collapse and state failure: A view from the past


  1. In other and less serious news, we just learned that Rudy Giuliani isn't gay, after all.

  2. If the liberals and leftists really believe that Trump is planning a literal fascist coup on election day, complete with the storm troopers, why are they busy tweeting revenge porn on Twitter?

  3. It's almost as if they don't really believe their own lies...

  4. Maybe Bob Avakian can sort this out for us?

  5. The popular front just gets broader and broader. Now it includes Bloomberg, Soros, Buffet, Bezos, Zucc, K Pop fans and revenge porn aficionados.

  6. Imagine being a revolutionary socialist and "condemning" the Green Party which is running against this popular front. Of whom am I speaking? If you know, you know!

  7. Imagine being a "revolutionary", admitting that most capitalists support Biden, yet advocate actually joining the Democratic Party, "condemning" those who refuse, call leftists who refuse to swallow the globalist kool aid "traitors", etc.

    Astounding. Absolutely astounding.

    If you know, you know.

  8. But I'm a class traitor for voting Social Democrat? Fuck right off!

  9. Years ago, I was accused by a certain leftist group of "adapting to Zionism, Social Democracy and the labor aristocracy". The same group now supports Biden and wants to join the Democratic Party!

  10. They repeat all the silly lies about "Russia", "stormtroopers", COVID-19 etc of the liberal imperialist media. Wow. Are they demoralized? Or have they actually lost their minds?

  11. Thank god I left the left long ago, I can't be bothered by these people anymore.

  12. But OK, maybe they will now revise their position on FDR or World War II? If you can vote for Biden to stop Trump, you can support the Allies to defeat Hitler, a FAR BIGGER THREAT to democracy everywhere than Trump (who can't even make his own appointees follow his orders).

  13. Or how about voting for FDR or the Farmer Labor Party in Minnesota? Or is 2020 some kind of extraordinary historical exception?

  14. I condemn Trotsky and Cannon for not supporting the Allies hard enough! Traitors!

  15. If this group really believes Trump is planning a literal coup, why aren't they calling on the masses (or the Dems) to take immidiate action now? A strange coup, this, in which Trump will meekly wait until election day to make his move. The truth is that this group *doesn't really believe* Trump will do it. They expect an easy Biden victory.

  16. Why else are they planning to run in Democratic Party primaries in 2022, if they really thought Trump was a fascist menace?

  17. By their own standards, this is parliamentary cretinism of the highest order.

  18. Imagine if the German Social Democrats had acted this way towards Hitler...

    You would see no end to the condemnations!

    Indeed, that's what they did...

  19. What will they do when Trump wins? Bug out to Canada? Go underground? Nah, they will just vote for the next Bernie Sanders. Or apologize to the Greens?

  20. Yes, there will be a crisis, indeed there is already a crisis, but somehow, holding on to the old power structures at the very moment they are caving in, strikes me as a very strange "revolutionary" strategy...

  21. In other news, the Pope just came out as pro-gay. Wow. 2020 is the gift that never stops giving. Now, we will see a split in the Catholic Church!

  22. Maybe the Pope and the Jesuits can join the popular front now?

  23. The Pope is right, of course. He is right about Pachamama, too. I have *other* problems with Francis...

  24. Catholics condemn Pachamama as "syncretism" while venerating Isis and Horus in the form of Mary and Baby Jesus. Come on...

  25. If Pachamama is syncretism and paganism, what do you call holy mass, saints, the entire character of Jesus?!

  26. A Jewish Messiah playing the part of Osiris slain...

  27. Unfortunately, I think Francis is doing these things for, shall we say, the wrong reasons...
