Saturday, August 25, 2018

An appointment with Blavatsky?

“Star Trek Generations” is a somewhat uneven film, bringing together James Kirk from the original Star Trek franchise and Jean-Luc Picard from The Next Generation. Both are pitted against a mad alien scientist named Soran, who desperately wants to get back to the Nexus, a kind of fake heaven where all dreams and wishes get fulfilled. Soran is ready to kill millions of innocent civilians to reach his goal. The plot also features Klingon renegades Lursa and B'Ethor and the mysterious Guinan (starred by Whoopi Goldberg). And, of course, the annoying android Mr Data trying to become more human...

Probably not the best choice of entertainment if you don't like Star Trek, but quite good if you do. Personally, I'm fascinated by the Nexus. It strongly reminds me of Madame Blavatsky's description of Devachan in “The Key to Theosophy”. Perhaps the wise lady Guinan is supposed to be Blavatsky? Yes, yes, I'm speculating wildly... Still, the parallel is intriguing!

Due to this unexpected similarity with the West's very own underground religion, I give “Generations” four stars, although it really only deserves three, or perhaps just two if you're completely uninterested in Trekdom. After all, the film contains many references meaningful only to Star Trek fans. I mean, who outside devout viewers of the TNG series know about Lursa and B'Ethor?

As for myself, I feel a bit like Soran. I just can't get the Nexus out of my mind. “I have an appointment with eternity, captain, and I don't want to be late”.

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