Saturday, August 11, 2018

The last tempation of Christ within you

A review of the peculiar film "The Last Temptation of Christ" 

I've never read the novel this movie is based on, but I've seen the movie a couple of times. I honestly don't understand why so many Christians are upset about it. Here in Sweden, some fundamentalist group always cry "Provocation" and "Conspiracy" whenever the movie is re-run on television, especially if it's close to Easter. I don't see the movie as anti-Christ or anti-Christian. Rather, I see it as a allegory of man's spiritual seekership. The "Jesus" of the movie is a symbol for each of us. Jesus is called by God. He has doubts. He even refuses. On the cross, he feels abandoned, perhaps betrayed, by God: "Why hast thou forsaken me?". The Devil sees his chance and tempts him. But, finally, Jesus sees through the temptations, "returns" to the cross, and dies victoriously, as the true Son of God: "It is accomplished".

I'm not a practicing Christian myself, bur honestly, is this anti-Christian?

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