Monday, September 21, 2020

The strategy of the Intermarium

The strategy of the Intermarium

An article about one phase of the perennial Polish-Russian conflict. It's taken from a Trotskyist publication, World Socialist Web Site, so brace yourselves for some heavy doses of pro-Bolshevik and anti-Polish bias! It's nevertheless interesting and has an obvious relevance to the present situation in Belarus and Ukraine, which both Poland and Russia condider part of their respective "near abroad". Intermarium seems to have been resurrected in the form of the Three Seas Initiative, supported by the United States. 


  1. Off topic. Am I the only one having the feeling that Biden's speech at the Constitution Center will turn out to be his last?

  2. Off topic. Great Depression in the US, people literally standing in breadlines. Most important political issue for SJWs? Write negative reviews of J K Rowling's latest novel cuz "transphobia" or something. Sad!

  3. A storm is coming...or just a dark and stormy night?

  4. There is no "orthodox" or "canonical" Buddhism. Deal with it.

  5. We don't have the true, unvarnished, canonical words of *any* religious founder who didn't write anything himself. And very often, not even if they did. Now what?

  6. Do you think the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, the Tripitaka are the originals? Fool!

  7. Why does God need critical scholars and filologists to restore his true Word? Can you answer this?

  8. Why was a universal revelation given in some obscure Mideast language?

  9. Do you think THE TRUE GOD is dependent on fallible scribes, long forgotten languages, perishable manuscripts or liberal Protestant philologists to get his message straight?

  10. You may be dependent on that, simpleton. God is NOT.

  11. Do you think God depends on some shit somebody wrote down on some palm leaves 1,500 years ago?

  12. Do you think a legend can be orally transmitted for 10,000 years? Newsflash: I don't. Those Aboriginals don't know more than we do. Probably less. And we're not so bloody smart either...

  13. Nobody knows shit about anything.

  14. Off topic. Alt Right cybersphere has a really weird worldview. "China will collapse if the US decouples", "When the Anglo-Saxons start to hate", "The military is on our side", "Russia will save the West", "There is no man-made climate change"... Wtf.

  15. "We want to move to Hungary or Serbia cuz the men there has such GAME and everyone is White". I don't know about the Game, but something tells me Romanians and Croats respectively avoid those nations, despite being White!

  16. And what's up with the fucking obsession concerning Meghan Markle and Greta Thunberg? Some kind of incel shit or what?

  17. What *exactly* has Trump accomplished which would make an Alt Right guy want to vote for him again?

  18. Well, he lowered the taxes, abolished Obamacare and appointed cucks to SCOTUS. Nothing George W Bush or Mitt Romney couldn't have done. Otherwise? Zero.

  19. Ok, he has a really weird ongoing bromance with that fat kid from North Korea...

  20. Not even Pierre Delecto could pull that one off...

  21. Of course, you could make a "lesser evil" argument in favor of The Donald. But then you're no longer Alt Right. You're just a basic bitch.

  22. Why would *libertarians* vote for Trump? That's an even harder question to answer...

    Maybe they really don't.


  24. Ganska bra artikel - efter ett tag. I början låter det som att han inte tror att "djupa staten" existerar! Sedan kommer han igång.

    Visst är detta samma kille som skrev om posadisterna?

  25. Posadisterna? Är det nåt jag missat eller börjar jag bli senil?

  26. Var det inte han som skrev om posadisterna i Aftonbladet?

  27. Nej, det var Per Leander.

  28. Aha. Fel snubbe. Har du förresten sett min nya recension av Martinus? Jag mest bara skummade andra halvan av boken, för mycket teori om "energierna" och sådant.
