Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Matrix has me!

I wrote and posted this in 2006. I still think "The Matrix" is the best film ever made. 

"The Matrix" is literally the BEST movie I've ever seen!! I don't know how many times I've seen it: on cinema, on TV, on VCR. Sorry, I don't have a DVD (must be the last person in the Matrix who doesn't!). So why is the movie just GREAT?

I guess its the combination. There's really heavy philosophy, astounding special effects, intruiging music, a lot of kung-fu and yes, a lot of completely unmotivated VIOLENCE!!! And, there's no sex. Thanks. Can't stand that in a cinema, I mean really...

Best scene: Morpheus is held in custody by the Secret Police. Neo and Trinity has to save him. Catch: the HQ of the Secret Police is guarded by like 1000 cops. Does the rescue mission succeed? Well... Let's just say "we need guns, lots of guns". And that chopper that collides with the skyscraper...Oh MAAAN!

As for the philosophy, being the philosophical type (seriously, I don't take kung fu lessons, not even from Mr. Miyagi), I relished in that too. The Wachowski brothers have succeeded in creating a very clever, almost genial, indeed almost too clever, Gnostic or Hindu-Buddhist allegory. It's all there: the "machines" who keep humanity in thrall are the Archonts or the Asuras, the Matrix is maya or the world of illusion, Neo is a Gnostic or Tibetan Messiah who acquires superhuman strength when realizing that the world is just an illusion. And yes, the humans who don't want to be saved by Morpheus and his commando group, people like Cypher, well...that's us! "Ignorance is bliss".

And in case you missed it, the movie also contains a really bad joke. Cypher is called "Mr.Reagan" and wants to "forget everything" and "be someone important, like a movie star". This is a reference to Ronald Reagan, the former movie actor and US president who eventually turned senile. Although I didn't fancy Reagan, this joke is...well, a bit low.

But despite that, I nevertheless give this movie 5 stars. Indeed, I would give it 10 stars if possible. "Wake up...wake up...wake up"!!!

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