Thursday, August 16, 2018

More bull than finch

A review of "Bullfinches! Learn about bullfinches and enjoy colorful pictures - look and learn".

This is an extremely bad e-book about bullfinches, ostensibly for kids. While it does contain more or less attractive color photos of bullfinches, the text only consist of short, one-sentence captions to each photo.

Many of the captions are written in language difficult for kids to understand, such as this: “Bullfinch juveniles are similar in appearance to females but do not acquire the black cap until after their first moult.” Many others make no sense at all, such as captions mentioning eggs when no eggs are shown, or captions mentioning nesting when no nests are shown. The rare Azores Bullfinch is mentioned twice, yet the bullfinches on the pictures are all of the regular variety!

The author's name sounds American, yet her English is surprisingly bad. Some sentences seem to have been mangled through Google Translate: “The species of bullfinch occupies only about a 90 mile area.” The what does what? The e-book contains a disclaimer, indicating that everything has been taken from the web, which I can well believe…

Not recommended. Only one star. Surely, the majestic bullfinch deserves better than this!

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