Thursday, August 16, 2018

The triumph of the Blackbird

In 1962, the readers of the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter decided that the Blackbird should become “the national bird of Sweden”. Only 5,000 people participated in the vote. This year, the Swedish bird-watchers' association decided to organize a new round of voting on the matter. Or several rounds! In total, 75,000 people participated. Yesterday, local time, the result of the grand finale was announced.

And the winner is…the Blackbird, again!

With 12,914 votes, Turdus merula triumphantly held on to its position. Unserious campaign voting organized by two pods gave the Magpie (!) second position with 9,241 votes. Without the buddy votes, the Magpie wouldn't even be in the finale. The real runner-up is the Blue Tit with 7,286 votes. The tit is blue and yellow, the colors of the Swedish flag. The ostensible super-challenger to the Blackbird, the Bullfinch, only got 3,711 votes and the sixth position.

I voted for, ahem, the Blue Tit in the early rounds and the Bullfinch in the finale.


OK, I suppose I should have known. The Swedish people are just as infatuated with their dusky thrushes as they are with polkagris, surströmming and Försäkringskassan!

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