Saturday, August 25, 2018

Lion king or drama queen?

A review of "Leo" by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. 

This is a little book about Leo, often considered the best and brightest sign of the zodiac (especially by Leos). Exuberant, flamboyant, ebullient...the showy synonyms just keep flowing. Are we to believe the author, Leos are also joyful, regal (!), luxury-loving, passionate and "highly sexed". Are we to believe the unfriendly neighbourhood Capricorn, however, they are just a bunch of annoying, narcissistic drama queens with ego issues! Scorpios and Virgos don't fancy them either.

Perhaps it's no co-incidence that a staggering amount of Hollywood stars, pop singers, U.S. presidents and one Arnold Schwarzenegger were born in this quintessential sign of the high society socialite. The authoresse recommends that Leos learn from Aquarians, and start taking their day-to-day dramas a little less seriously, dispassionately looking more at the big picture of things. Also, the most regal challenge for any lion or leonine is to channel their feelings of magnificence into something *truly* magnificent, and overcome all those ego-issues which (paradoxically) might make a Leo less self-confident than he or she should be.

Otherwise, it seems most things are pretty well in La-La-Leo land.
As for myself, I'm an, ahem, Capricorn...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You´re not a Capricorn, you wacko. Some kind of bizarre Gemini-Pisces combo is more likely in your case: talkative and always high on something. High as in fucking stoned...
