Saturday, August 25, 2018

Maoist merger

Originally posted at Amazon in 2014. 

Amazon really does sell (or commodify) everything. This is a rather short statement from 1979 by a small Maoist group based in the United States, the Revolutionary Workers' Headquarters (RWH). Despite its bombastic-sounding name (based, I think, on a Mao quotation), the RWH was actually the "moderate" or "right" wing of the old Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), formed when the "left" wing around Bob Avakian went completely mustang after Chairman Mao's death. Avakian supported the so-called Gang of Four around Mao's widow Jiang Qing, withdrew his sympathizers from the labour unions, and raised insane slogans about an imminent socialist revolution in the United States.

The statement, issued when the RWH merged with another group of defectors from the RCP, emphasizes the need to struggle against ultraleftism. It also expresses support for China's "Three World Theory" and opposition to the machinations of "Soviet social-imperialism". (The RWH supported Hua Guofeng a.k.a. Chairman Hua.)

I don't think this little document is of great use or interest. On the web, interested parties can find "Red Papers 8: China advances on the socialist road", a book-length publication by the RWH detailing their differences with Avakian over China. Somewhat surprisingly, this product *isn't* available from Amazon! (I haven't checked Alibaba yet.) The headquarter's statement on their fusion with the Bay Area Communist Union only gets two stars...

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