Sunday, August 19, 2018

Castafiore ineffabilis

Originally posted at Amazon. 

The Franco-Belgian comic “The Adventures of Tintin” has been translated into 100 languages, give or take a few. Some of these tongues are so obscure that I wonder whether anything else has ever been published in them? Bourguignon, or modern Burgundian, is a language with about 2,000 speakers in the region of Burgundy in France. Apart from “The Castafiore Emerald”, Pope Pius IX's apostolic constitution “Ineffabilis Deus” has also been translated into this Romance language, not to be confused with ancient Germanic Burgundian. Apparently, no other Tintin comic has been translated to Bourguignon. Why? No idea, but perhaps the market for this product really is too small. Personally, I'm still awaiting the ultimate Tintin translation…to Syldavian! Yes, I know, that's a fictitious language, but would anyone even notice? ;-)

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