Sunday, August 19, 2018

Haddock: Admiral of the Swiss Fleet?

Originally posted at Amazon. 

The Franco-Belgian comic “The Adventures of Tintin”, created by Hergé (real name Georges Prosper Remi), has been translated to about 100 languages worldwide. Some of the translations are pretty cool, such as “Tintin in Tibet” in Tibetan or “The Blue Lotus” in Chinese!

Many of the languages honored by a Tintin translation are so obscure, that I sometimes wonder whether anything else has been translated to them? OK, let me guess, the New Testament?

This is the Gruérien edition of “The Calculus Affair”, in which Captain Haddock gets to crack colorful insults in the local dialect of Franco-Provencal spoken in the canton of Fribourg in Switzerland, more specifically in the Gruyère district of said canton. Well, I think! The market is pretty small, since only 50,000 people live in Gruyère, but it's still enormous compared to the number of people who speak modern Burgundian, the chosen tongue for another Tintin translation!

Since my Arpitan (another name for Franco-Provencal) is pretty rusty (in any dialect), I don't know how to rate this remarkable cultural achievement, but I suppose I just have to give it five stars! ;-)

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