Saturday, August 25, 2018

Bats in the belfry? Or owls in the barn?

"Monsters of the UFO: The Incident at Kelly" is a documentary about one of the most fascinating “close encounter” UFO cases. In 1955, the Sutton family's homestead in Kelly, Kentucky was attacked – or approached – by a group of mysterious beings who left the premises only after being literally shot at. An unidentified flying object had been spotted earlier in the afternoon.

“The battle at Sutton's farm” (or the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter) soon made national headline news in the United States, and have been mentioned in countless UFO books since. Of course, the sceptics refuse to believe that aliens or goblins were involved, instead blaming everything on the inevitable owls (this time the Great Horned Owl rather than the Barn Owl). Yeah, sure, that's what happened, LOL.

As for this documentary, it's an interesting summary of the case from a “believer” perspective, but unfortunately the amateur actors who dramatize the events are rather bad and look like stereotyped hillbillies. I almost down-sized my rating to two stars due to this hoot, but eventually I give it three. The program ends with information about new encounters in the area, including lights in triangular formation and a hooded humanoid…

Well, at least *that* can't be an owl. Perhaps it's Batman?

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