Saturday, August 25, 2018

A flag for idiots?

Another conlang & flag related review I posted on Amazon, before the powers-that-be purged me. Good luck selling the conlang flags now, brothers!

LOL. This is the flag (yes, the *flag*) of the constructed language of Ido, essentially a reformed version of Esperanto. One of the promoters of Ido, the French philosopher Louis Couturat, once complained to Bertrand Russell that while a supporter of Esperanto is called “Esperantist”, a supporter of Ido has no equivalent designation. Russell, tongue in cheek, proposed “Idiot”, but Couturat was not amused...

In contrast to Esperanto, which still has speakers and supporters world-wide, Ido never really got off the ground and is mostly a curiosity these days, although an organization to promote the lingo apparently still exists. I suppose the Idists (that's what they are called, pace Russell) use this peculiar banner if and when they gather at reunions...

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