Saturday, August 25, 2018

A republic, not an Empire...well, no, not really

Amazon removed the Confederate and Nazi flags from their assortment, but they still sell a lot of other bizarre stuff, as pointed out in this old review from 2014. 

I was waiting for this to show up sooner or later. Yes, this is the flag of the "Donetsk Republic", the organization that created the "People's Republic of Donetsk", one of several separatist-irridentist entities in eastern Ukraine, backed by Russia. The flag of the actual People's Republic is similar, but without the Cyrillic text.

I suppose this could be a good addition to your private collection of zombie films, Orc erotica, severed heads and other morbid stuff the average Amazon customer has in his basement. It might also be an excellent gift to your crazy Communist-Trotskyist uncle, who believe these guys (who are flying a flag inspired by the Czarist Empire) are actually anti-fascists (a bit like Hamas, I suppose).

Just don't fly this anywhere near the local Ukrainian-American community in your hometown, unless you are a big, bad tatooed biker who likes to live dangerously!

Five stars for the horror factor.

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