Wednesday, August 22, 2018

White Amazons in darkest Africa

“Golden Temple Amazons” is a semi-pornographic low budget film from 1986, apparently taped in a Spanish safari park (!) but supposedly set somewhere in darkest Africa. Every sexist and racist stereotype seems to have been included: the “African” Amazons are lily White and topless, the local tribe has a clownish medicine man, Black porters are cowardly and unreliable, attractive females constantly want to take a bath… Well, you get the picture, and if you have a senseless sense of humor, this might actually be funny. Since the scantly dressed Amazon warriors on horseback actually kill a White colonialist guy who looks like a sexist pig, me and the Ministry for Feminist Re-Education hereby graciously award this turkey two stars. But not one star more! I like the way chimpanzees are pictured, too.

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