Monday, September 23, 2024

Världens största diktatur


"Fria Tider" är knappast en vederhäftig källa, men här refererar de Affärsvärlden och Aftonbladet, så jag antar att det ligger något i detta.

Det verkar som att det börjar dra ihop sig till en av de största skandalerna i svensk industrihistoria! Och apropå ingenting: vad händer om/när USA trappar upp sina sanktioner mot Kina? Då kommer ju projekt som Northvolt automatiskt att gå i konkurs...

Var det ingen som tog med *det* i beräkningarna?  

Domen mot Northvolt: Kan inte överleva


  1. I read the previous article about the leakage at Northvolt. The environmental issues aside, losing employment for how many workers just before the holidays looks like a serious fail/fail. The Go Fund Me pages will be full. Bring back the Volvo Amazon 122 wagon!

  2. The town of Skellefteå has promoted itself as some kind of future growth area for years. The Employment Office in Stockholm wants unemployed from Stockholm to move to Skellefteå. Probably will be difficult now, with 1000 people losing their jobs at the Northvolt plant. Wouldn´t surprise me if the entire operation turns out to be a gigantic fraud of some kind...

    1. At 64 degress north latitude it's way up there!

    2. Hi speed rail coming in 2030? That may bring employment.

  3. Just by way of researching the position of Frija Tider I came upon this article which explained lot.

  4. Fria Tider seem to be loosely associated with a small far right party called AfS (Alternativ för Sverige). Their politics blend free market neo-liberalism, opposition to immigration, and pro-Russian foreign policy positions. A somewhat peculiar combination. I link to them since they often reference what other news sites say behind paywalls. And sometimes because I like to be edgy!

  5. Fria Tider cover the Northvolt fiasco since they see it as proof that the "Green transition" (which they oppose) is a hoax. They are climate change deniers. But sure, the really existing Green transition might absolutely be a hoax. Northvolt seems to be a gigantic subsidy sink and some kind of Chinese front operation?!

  6. Can´t help noticing that Fria Tider has Karl XII in its masthead (I assume that´s supposed to be Karl XII), but he was of course anti-Russian, so there´s that...
