Saturday, August 11, 2018

The man from Marrs

Jim Marrs

This video, "UFO Chronicles: What the President Doesn´t Know", features interviews with two relatively well known American UFO-logists, Jim Marrs and Steven Greer. Both are probably pretty moderate by American UFO-logy standards, and just as surely very extreme by more mainline standards.

If I understand them correctly, neither Marrs nor Greer claims that the aliens, as a general rule, are evil (although Marrs concedes that a few alien factions might be). They could have invaded us long ago, had they wanted to. The real evil is government secrecy, with the administration being controlled by, or kept in the dark by, rich and powerful oligarchs. They know that the aliens are real and that UFOs are powered by free energy sources. The oligarchs, some of whom control the oil industry, fear that knowledge of this free energy will threaten their economic monopolies and hence their political power. This is the main reason behind UFO secrecy.

Greer's position is illogical, since in his scenario (better developed in his books) the aliens are near-angelic beings with super-powers – why can't they “land on the White House lawn” and stop the oligarchic conspiracy (or use more secretive methods to crush it)? Marrs' position, while extreme, sounds more rational, at least judging by this interview. He regards most aliens as neutral or indifferent to our concerns, while a few want to interfere in our evolution, but only gradually by a kind of habituation procedure. This, presumably, explains why they don't attack the Illuminati at the present time.

Both interviews are relatively boring, but if you happen to be a fan of these two guys, I suppose this could be of some passing interest, but probably not a substitute for actually reading their books.

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