Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Famous Five

A "review" of the Syrian rebel flag, carried by Amazon (sic)

This is the flag of the moderate, democratic rebels of Syria. All five of them. The CIA have only been able to train five "moderate Islamists" so far, a far cry from the projected number of 5,000. They were supposed to be trained in Saudi Arabia. What a pity this stalwart Western ally prefers to bankroll al-Nusra (the terrorists previously known as al-Qaeda) instead. A few years ago, they bankrolled ISIS, but that's apparently a bit *too* blatant even for the Wahhabi royal house. So they decided on a somewhat safer course. I mean, al-Qaeda *is* more moderate than ISIS...well, sort of relatively speaking. Well, maybe not, really. Why the Saudis are still our boys is, of course, an interesting question...

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