Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The hunt for the Midnight Whistler

You need a very special sense of humor to enjoy “Mountain Monsters”, a super-scripted satire monster show. A band of bearded brothers (think Duck Dynasty without the homophobia), an elderly “war veteran” and a crazy hippy unite somewhere in Kentucky, hunting the “Midnight Whistler”, supposedly the only Bigfoot creature that's nocturnal and live in caves (and eat mushrooms)…

The re-enactments of the “hunt” are pretty funny, if you are a fan of “Finding Bigfoot” and have a large dose of self-irony. I mean, even the music and the cliff-hangers are ripped from Animal Planet's “serious” show about the hairy hominid. Being a bit groggy after a beer (or after the annual switch to daylight savings time) probably helps, too. Kids around the age of 6 or 7 might also like this, but watch out, they might think it's for real and start getting funny ideas about what's *really* going on around the house at night…and what they could do about it!

Responsible adult tax-payers with respectable day jobs need not apply.

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