Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Folklore bites back

“Mountain Monsters” is a parody show aired at Destination America. It's obviously based on “Finding Bigfoot”, with a team of investigators (known as AIMS) interviewing eye-witnesses, assessing photo evidence, making “initiated” comments and going on night investigations. The cliff-hangers are similar, too.

There the similarity ends!

The AIMS team turns out to be crazy, bearded, fat, gun-touting “crackers”. The monsters they are hunting are said to be far scarier than any Bigfoot, one of them a man-eater living in a cave, another having an “exoskeleton” and looking “demonic”…

Really? It's not even clear whether these creatures are based on a true legend, or were invented by the producer especially for the occasion. One thing's for certain, though. Despite the elaborate traps, the monsters always get away…just as in the “serious” paranormal shows.

Entertaining, if you don't have too high standards of entertainment. Being a Bigfoot hunter with a sense of self-irony might help, too. As the mysterious voice during the opening credits so aptly puts it: Folklore bites back! ;-)

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