Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The debunker conspiracy

"UFO Conspiracies" seems to be one of the few “paranormal” shows on American TV (or any TV network) that actually has a skeptical undertone. It's not overtly hostile to ufology, yet often attempts to explain various UFO sightings as misidentified natural phenomena, rocket launches, military flares and (perhaps) secret military craft. It concentrates on “boring” UFO cases simply involving mysterious lights in the sky, although a few more dramatic encounters between airplanes and purported UFOs are also covered. The show doesn't mention the really “conspiratorial” subsets of the UFO lore, such as encounters with humanoids, alien abductions or the Roswell saga. Aired on Science Channel, it could almost be seen as a debunkers' conspiracy! However, the same channel also features “The Unexplained Files”, so I suppose people with a craving for mysteries aren't completely let down…

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