Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Raymond, I think I ur-grok

A faux review of "Space Commandos: Invasion of the Menacing Mantis Men (And Syphilis Ridden Gold Prospectors)" 

This is one of those e-books you review simply because they are there. Or “out there”. Of course I haven't read it, and I certainly haven't devoured the entire “weekly series” (are you kidding). This customer review is based solely on the editorial ditto and the look-inside function.

A group of crazed gold prospectors are infected by a venereal disease and start worshipping the Cactus God, actually named Urgrok. You grok? After a daring escape from bounty-hunters, they find themselves 400 years into the future, in a golden domed version of San Francisco. Still high on those cacti juices, they wreak havoc on the golden-clad inhabitants, in fierce competition with a group of insectoid aliens who also have a few Canadian geese unplucked with Earth Space Command.

The leader of the aliens is a gigantic mantis (what else) named Mandibles. I suppose that's the name he telepathically communicates to his victims at the time of their impending deaths. I'm sure his real name (as usual) can't be pronounced by urgroks. Or even by earthlings.

Good? Probably not. But sure, it could work as a prospectus to a B-movie!
Ha ha ha. ;-)

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