Thursday, August 16, 2018

Snow White as Nazi

Review of "Voice of Our Ancestors". 

This is a fairly bizarre e-pamphlet, published by the associates of the late David Lane, a White supremacist and Odinist Neo-Pagan. The text itself is a translation of “Die Stimme der Ahnen. Eine Dichtung”, published in Germany in 1933 by Nazi sympathizer Wulf Sörensen (real name Frithjof Fischer). For some reason, many neo-Nazis attribute the “poem” to Heinrich Himmler. This is somewhat ironic, since Fischer was at one point arrested for insulting Himmler!

Fischer's anti-Semitic screed isn't particularly interesting. He attacks Christianity, principally Roman Catholicism, which he connects to Judaism. The virtues of the ancient Goths and Saxons are extolled. We are told that the Nordic-Aryan pagan spirit must be revived. The fairytale of Snow White is reinterpreted in a Nazi-pagan fashion, with the evil queen symbolizing the Roman Church, while the dwarfs are the spirits of the Folk.

The e-book contains a portrait of Himmler, one of Lane, and various heroic or mystical Aryan motifs. Ironically, given Fischer's attack on Christianity, it also contains two *Christian* pictures, one of the Knights Templar and another of St George slaying the dragon. But, as somebody on Amazon pointed out to me, those motifs could easily be given a heathen slant, too. Sigurd and Fafnir, anyone?

One star. Thank god the Allies won the war!

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