Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Same old story

A faux review of Drumvalo Melchizedek´s "Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012"

Drumvalo, my brother, I am sorry to inform you that absolutely *nothing* will take place in 2012.

Except the usual.

People like me will be commuting to our boring, meaningless jobs. We will be complaining about the commuter trains being late, early or overcrowded. Every Saturday morning, some Jehovah's Witnesses will wake us up, wanting to sell Watchtower magazine. Unless the bloody magpies do it even earlier with their annoying, kackling sounds. The same daft and uncool bands will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest. And you, brother Dunvalo, will no doubt publish another one of those books of yours.

And know what?

I love the modern commuter trains. I think Watchtower is great fun (Awake is even funnier - I mean, those pictures). I think magpies are cool, and I have all the Eurovision albums! The only thing I dislike is my job. But then, I might always enliven my coffee breaks reading SERPENT OF LIGHT.


But trust me, bro. There won't be any apocalypse or ascension in 2012. "They" have given us a respite to 3012. At least!

By then, hopefully nobody will be forced to work in a warehouse for a living...


Commander Ashtar

PS. Drummie, you're not *really* Melchizedek, are you?

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