Thursday, August 23, 2018

Night in my cloister

A review of "Knights of the Cloister" by Dominic Selwood 

I bought this book in the belief that it would contain some interesting and perhaps sensational, yet scholarly, information on the exact relationship between Templars and Cathars. It does…for three pages. The rest of the work is mostly of interest for people who absolutely want to know which count of Toulouse granted which part of land to which Templar or Hospitaller commandery circa AD 1230. Probably good as a reference work for anyone interested in, say, South-Central Occitanian land grants circa 1230, but those of us who think “the truth (and the Sangreal) is out there” will apparently have to search elsewhere… Yet, since the work is clearly scholarly, I hereby grant it three stars and a tax exemption!

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