Thursday, August 23, 2018

KGB's secret smorgasbord

Since I dissed the sister documentary "The Secret KGB UFO Abduction Files", I suppose it's time to give the Devil his due. "The Secret KGB Paranormal Files" is actually quite interesting!

Narrated by Roger Moore ("James Bond"), the documentary is a veritable smorgasbord of paranormal and related claims from the Soviet Union. It covers Wolf Messing, remote viewing, telekinesis, UFO crashes, Kirlian photography, mental programming and KGB research into Qigong.

The perspective is that of "true believers", and the researchers featured make some pretty outlandish claims. I would therefore advise anyone interested in the paranormal to check and double-check every statement of supposed fact made by Moore & Co. Personally, I found the "standard" parapsychology claims pretty believable, while some other claims are probably bogus or even comic. Reagan is supposed to have monitored Gaddafi's movements by paranormal means during the US bombings of Libya - well, if so, his remote viewers failed, since Gaddafi (of course) survived!

I don't doubt that the military and intelligence communities in both the United States, the Soviet Union and China conducted research on the paranormal during the Cold War. Of course they did. Parapsychology was on the verge of becoming a respectable science in the decades following World War II. Besides, I suppose it's the job of the secret services to poke their noses into everything, including "things that go bump in the night". Black-ops, anyone?

If they really did what this documentary claims they did, I leave to the viewer's own discretion. "The Secret KGB Paranormal Files" is a bit dragging and somewhat too long, but I nevertheless give it the OK rating of three stars.

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