Thursday, August 23, 2018

I didn't know the KGB could be boring

At some point during the Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev (the bald-headed guy) and the KGB (who don't need further introduction) discovered the mummy of an 11,500 year old alien in the "Tomb of the Visitor" inside the Great Pyramid. A psychic who entered the tomb levitated.


The footage in this documentary proves it all, man! And then, maybe it doesn't, since no independent verification of these startling claims seem to exist. For all we know, this is just another hoax!

I don't doubt that the KGB investigated paranormal claims. Of course they did. The CIA and the U.S. military did so, too. But did the KGB carry out *this* particular research? And did they really find "a visitor"? Naaah. Besides, this purported documentary is immensely boring! It's mistitled, too. No "alien abductions" are featured. Everything revolves around the usual pyramidiotic speculations about ancient Egypt.

Get over it, guys, the dark-skinned Hamitic Egyptians built the magnificent pyramids all by themselves, no Euro-gods or "visitors" were needed to accomplish the feat. And what on earth is Roger Moore doing, narrating this production? Roger, if you need money, I can start a collection, seriously...Well no, not really, but you get my point.

Are there real Egyptian mysteries? Sure there are. However, I don't think the KGB, or the Edgar Cayce Foundation, have any idea whatsoever what these might be.
And no, they can't levitate either.

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