Sunday, August 26, 2018

How the subjectivist Thornett clique battled Trotskyism

"The Battle for Trotskyism" is a book containing documents written by Alan Thornett, a well known activist in British Trotskyist circles. In 1974, Thornett and hundreds of supporters were expelled from the Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP) and went on to form the Workers Socialist League (WSL). The WRP's authoritarian party head, the notorious Gerry Healy, didn't suffer opposition gladly! Most normal people went with Thornett, leaving Healy with a dwindling "party" of thugs, crackpots and corrupted petty bureaucrats (and a daily paper nobody was reading). The WRP survived only through a form of political prostitution, taking enormous amounts of money from Gaddafi's Libya, Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Khomeini's Iran. For more on Healy, see my reviews of "Marxism vs. Ultraleftism" and "Healy's Big Lie".

While the WRP and the WSL are probably mostly forgotten today, the two groups weren't unknown during the 1970's. Thornett was a high profile union activist at the Leyland plant in Cowley, the largest car plant in Britain at the time. Healy, while having little real influence, had recruited actor Vanessa Redgrave to the WRP, and remained notorious well into the 1980's, his large funds making it possible for him to finance projects for Labour politicians Ken Livingstone and Ted Knight.

This being said, I don't think "The Battle for Trotskyism" is of particular interest to the general reader. Thornett's documents are (of course) in-house Trotskyist polemics, although I don't doubt that he was closer to Trotsky's original program than the erratic Healy, whose politics were a strange blend of ra-ra-revolutionary phrase-mongering, agent-baiting of political opponents (Thornett's aide John Lister was accused of being, surprise, an FBI agent) and uncritical support to Mideast regimes willing to give the WRP hard cash. The WRP's "theory" of the economic crisis claimed that the Tory government of Edward Heath deliberately crashed the economy, that a feudal-fascist coup was imminent, and that capitalism wouldn't survive the collapse of the gold standard?! Sounds remarkably similar to Lyndon LaRouche, which raises all kinds of intriguing questions, since LaRouche was briefly a supporter of Healy's American franchise, the Workers League!

On one point, I think "The Battle for Trotskyism" has been superseded by more recent revelations. Thornett hotly denies that the British representatives of French Trotskyist Pierre Lambert were in any way involved in the WRP split in 1974. Lambert was an old factional opponent of Healy, who presumably was interested in busting Gerry's operation on the far side of the Channel. However, I remember reading somewhere that Lambert and the British Lambertists *were* involved, advising Thornett from the sidelines during secretive meetings at bridges late at night, etc. If so, Lambert didn't get his catch, since Thornett, rather than joining the Lambertist international network, struck out on his own...

But OK, perhaps my interest in these matters is somewhat original.
Three stars?


  1. But, after all, Newsliine still exist as a daily. To my knowledge the only "Trotskyist" daily in UK! ;-) And it is still published by WRP, the same WRP that did not expel Healy after the 1985 scandal. When the group that demanded an expulsion quietly died in the mid 90:s.

  2. But to b fair. the WRP today do not support the worst Healy madness. They don´beleive in the campaign aganit Hansen and Novack, and they had a lot of criticism against Healy. They seem to think that there was a lot of gross errors in the Healy line, but that opportunists took advantage of this when they broke with Healy 1985. They are today led by a woman, Sheila Torrance, who they always put as a candidate in every election. Of course, she always get very few votes.

  3. They expelled him somewhat later, at which point he formed the Marxist Party. Bizarrely, the Torrance faction then started to claim his legacy and now has a personality cult around Healy, claiming in fine print that he didn´t become a centrist until very late in his life (i.e. after Terrance had expelled him). These guys are nuts, ha ha.

  4. I didn´t see your second comment before posting my first. Aha, so Torrance has become more critical of him? Interesting.

  5. They wanted a "tamed" Healy in the organization - Healy that accepted that others will lead. When he began support Glasnost and claimed that the Soviet has been "regenerated" they accused him of ... Pabloism. He was furious, and I am not sure if he was expelled, or if he broke withe them.

  6. Have you seen this?

    1. No, I haven´t. It seems to have been written by a then-member of the RIL, RWL´s British co-thinkers. I actually met them, too, but I don´t know if I met this particular person.

    2. Since I´m no longer on Amazon, I am of course free to review even products they aren´t selling... ;-)

  7. Maybe I mix things up. But I think I have seen WRP criticism om Healy, but now I can't find it. But they don't have his Cuba line, they say that North Korea and Cuba are the only deformed workers states today. They seem to admit that he committed sexual abuse, bot downplay it, . they seem to be a boring "orthodox" trotskyist group without the eccentricities of the late Healy , like Libya, "security" and so on.

  8. If so, they have changed, during the 1990´s they sounded like I assume WRP sounded like during the 1970´s, with constant calls for a general strike, and a personality cult around Healy (only in the fine print did they admit that he had broken with them before his death). Also, they supported Saddam Hussein politically, and so on.

  9. Maybe I Amat least partly wrong. Searched Newsline for the name "Gerry Healy" and all I found was this. This shows tat they don't write much about him, but on the other hand what they are writing there is quite uncritical, and it even seems that they DON^T condemn the "Security" campaign.

  10. Here they hail Castro without discussing the question of whether Cuba is, a workers state. Hmm...

  11. PS. I think I mixed up texts produced outside WRP with texts produced inside it. WRP today seems to be much more healyite than I thought.
