Saturday, August 25, 2018

Dr Kalarjian to the rescue

A review of "Final Destination 2" 

This might be a good flick…if you're 12 years old, and find “Creepshow” to be funny and “Poltergeist” to be genuinely scary. If not…naaaah, you might as well skip “Final Destination 2”, a freak accident extravaganza in which Death (never seen but always present) comes to claim the lives of people who were supposed to die in a dramatic traffic accident but lived to tell.

After about one hour, the plot holes become a *little* bit too obvious, and the absurd closing scene has the stench of sequel all over it. And yes, I know that some horror movie fans think these kinds of productions are great fun, if you take them in the right spirit…. For that reason, I'm willing to give “Final Destination 2” the OK rating of three stars.

But please don't say I didn't warn you, LOL.

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