Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Destination Dark Side

This is the third season of “Monsters and Mysteries in America”, a series aired on Destination America. Each season seems to have a flavor of its own. This one is very, very dark and concentrates on seemingly physical creatures with a penchant for human flesh and general mayhem. Florida “zombies”, Dog Man, Reptile Man, Pig Man, Mantis Man...Bigfoot has a *huge* family problem! The Men in Black episode is particularly interesting, as it features the case of Indrid Cold, known from John Keel's classical book on Mothman. The series also features a few benign encounters, such as the “butterfly people” who save children from tornadoes. Both the eye witness interviews and the re-enactments are surprisingly good. “Explanations” are kept down to a minimum, letting the witnesses speak for themselves. This gives the whole thing an authentic flavor. The show is very entertaining if you can stomach the dark side angle. If not, it might scare the hell out of you!

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