Sunday, August 26, 2018

Come on, they're all in on it

A review of "Obama and Islam" by Robert Spencer and David Horowitz 

Under Ronald Reagan (a Republican), the United States armed and abetted the Muslim fundamentalists in Afghanistan, including one Osama bin-Laden, who were seen as “freedom fighters” against godless Communism. And yes, it all started already under Democrat Jimmy Carter.

The United States always had good relations with Saudi Arabia and (often) with Pakistan. Once again, it was a broad bipartisan consensus. The Bush clan had particularly close relations with the Saudis. Today, both the Obama administration and “critics” like John McCain (a Republican) support the rebels in Libya and Syria, many of whom are Muslim fundamentalists.

As for Obama's policy of “tolerance” towards the Muslim Brotherhood, the Conservative government of Britain (a close U.S. ally under both Democratic and Republican administrations) is doing pretty much the same thing.

Yet, none of this is mentioned in this little pamphlet by Robert Spencer (co-attributed to David Horowitz). Let's see. Both Spencer and Horowitz are Republicans…? Bingo! This pamphlet is nothing more than an extended election pitch in favour of “the other guy”, complete with the usual attacks against “the left” and even a few nods to the Birthers (Spencer claims that Obama may have been a Muslim in his youth).

Perhaps a more in-depth analysis of the US-Islamist partnership would hit too close to home…

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