Saturday, August 25, 2018

Coalition of the willing? A protest from Pluto

According to a certain astrology blog the name of which I don't care to mention, the best way to reach "a new level of consciousness" is to remind ourselves that the Shia and the Sunni in Iraq co-existed tolerably well before the U.S. moved in and destroyed the Sunni power structure (?!). In other words, before Saddam Hussein was overthrown, everything was supposedly fine in Iraq!

It was...? According to whose birth chart, I wonder? Saddam's?

As for ISIS, we should apparently do nothing at all (except meditate, I suppose, to reach that new level of bliss consciousness): "If Washington had the wit to forebear from reacting, and instead undertook step one - to hold back and observe - the decay process might play itself out, organically. ISIS might go the way of rottening anachronisms everywhere, helped along by Pluto in Capricorn, defeated from within".

Pluto in Capricorn will defeat ISIS...?

Ahem, although I would like to help from my elevated position around Capricorn, I think Ms Astrologer may have somewhat exaggerated views of my powers. I mean, it *is* difficult to help 100,000 Kurdish refugees from a hide-out slightly beyond Neptune (and in Capricorn, to boot).

Besides, I'm still pissed by the recent decision to demote me from planet (and Mickey Mouse's dog) to asteroid (and Donald Duck's dog). So no, dear astrologers, you are on your own on this one, I'm afraid. (Here's a well-meaning tip free of astrological charge: Use your air force!)

New level of consciousness, indeed.

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