Saturday, August 25, 2018

At least they beat Donald Duck

"Executive Intelligence Review" or EIR is the publication of the LaRouche Movement, a U.S.-based international organization headed by Lyndon LaRouche. The LaRouchians are notoriously difficult to pin down politically, but most critics regard them as neo-Nazi or fascist. For an extended criticism of this movement from such a perspective, see Dennis King's classical book "Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism", reviewed by me elsewhere. Personally, I would rather argue that the LaRouche Movement is a strange cult with an erratic practice and an equally eclectic message, based on various conspiracy theories (some of which are derived from the far right, while others seem to be unique).

This issue of EIR, part of which is available free on the web, is surprisingly bland, as LaRouchian publications go. The conspiracy theories have been carefully hidden away, with the exception of a few jabs at "the British Empire" and "Londonistan". Otherwise, the publishers have worked hard to sound as reasonable as possible. Instead of the usual warnings about an impending World War III or military coups in Washington, we get some serious arguments concerning possible Saudi, Qatari and Kuwaiti complicity in creating ISIS. The magazine supports a campaign to release the classified pages of the official 9/11 report, suspecting that the truth of Saudi involvement might be hidden away therein. While calling for the destruction of ISIS, the EIR wants the United States to ally itself with Iran and the Baathist regime in Syria, rather than with the Muslim Brotherhood or Londonistan. The political orientation of the LaRouche Movement is clearly pro-Russian and pro-Chinese, to the point of supporting the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Another typical trait of this peculiar group is its super-cornucopianism, which borders the fantastic. LaRouche envisages a global economy based on both regular nuclear power and fusion power, including floating nuclear power plants off the African coast! Apparently, fusion power can destroy all harmful waste, turning it into energy. It can turn base rocks into fuel, and so on. (This is from earlier publications of this movement.) This issue of "Executive Intelligence Review" contains an article titled "New Paradigm for Mankind: Mankind Is Now Moving to an Earth-Sun-Moon Economy", calling on China to establish bases on the Moon to mine helium-3 for, you guessed it, thermonuclear fusion power. In the happy world of LaRouchianism, peak oil is no problem (neither, I suppose, are commercial fish farms) and the Club of Rome are simply a bunch of Londonistan conspirators.

Finally, I couldn't help noting that Lyn sounds a bit distracted in the podcast transcripts, but perhaps he has the right to be, I mean he's 92 years old! Finally some good news (not mentioned in this issue of EIR): the Swedish LaRouche branch, the EAP, got 140 votes in the recent national elections and hence beat the fictitious Donald Duck Party by 37 votes. During the 1980's, the EAP were always smaller than Donald Duck's local faithful, so I suppose this *is* a positive sign, LOL. If it will make the world safe for fusion energy (or smash Londonistan any time soon), is perhaps another issue entirely...

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