Saturday, August 25, 2018

Bring the Marines home, alive

Comrade Nina in a red outfit, what else?

2 out of 53 customers found this exposé of their favorite erotica "useful" on Amazon. Well, well, well... 

This product is a book, with the risqué title "Nina Hartley's Advanced Guide to Total Sex".

Hartley is a relatively well-known porn star who occasionally cooperates with the Spartacist League, a tiny and somewhat erratic outfit of ostensible Trotskyists based in New York City, USA. Recently, she even wrote an article for the Spartacist publication "Workers' Vanguard", lambasting the competing Maoist group Revolutionary Communist Party for being anti-porn! Which, admittedly, they are.

So am I, so I'm not going to give this book a very high rating.

I do think it's incredibly funny, though, that in the event of a Spartacist revolution, pictures of comrade Nina might adorn the dorms of the United Revolutionary Student Organization, alongside those of Lenin, Trotsky and Yuri Andropov (in less risqué outfits, I presume). The world, as they say, is a strange and beautiful place.

And sometimes barking mad, too.

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