Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A field guide to...WHAT???

A "review" of "Nests, Eggs and Nestlings of North American Birds", another Ashtar Command troll extravaganza. 

A field guide to....WHAT?????

Nestlings?! You gotta be kidding, Paul. Let me tell you something about nestlings. If you see one you don't recognize, just wait for Mother to show up. Then you'll know what kind of nestling it is, trust me.

How do I know? Well, let's just say that I work in an industrial zone considered gull territory by the local gulls (common gull, black headed gull and lesser black backed gull, to be exact). They seem to lay their eggs pretty much anywhere, and the other day their nestlings started running around at "our" parking lot, just outside the company building. Did we reach for a field guide to nestlings? Nupe, not exactly. Rather, we were busy trying to get away from the attacking adults!!! Common gulls, definitely. Mother Common even blocked our entrance. Later, the common gulls decided that blue collar shift workers aren't worthy of their attention, so they (and the nestlings) moved across the street, giving the white collar office workers the screaming & diving treatment. Thank god we don't have skuas on our front porch! As for eggs, nobody in his or her right mind would as much as touch an egg at that parking lot.

Besides, I thought egg collection was illegal, immoral and plain wrong??!!

And now, let's all run for cover!!! :D

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