Sunday, August 12, 2018

Wild wild west

The full title of this green-covered book is "Ecological Studies 196. Western North American Juniperus Communities. A Dynamic Vegetation Type". It's edited by O.W. Van Auken. In the introduction, we learn that juniper woodlands and savannahs in western North America are both extensive and dynamic.

This volume contains research papers on this truly exciting vegetation type, believed to be very sensitive and perhaps pivotal in understanding global-change type phenomena, including droughts. All aspects of Juniperus are covered later in the book, including patterns and causes of distribution, late Pleistocene distribution, structure and composition of juniper communities and factors that control them, the understory vegetation of juniper woodlands, the role of mycorrhiza, ecological impact, management and conclusions.

Very technical, but probably a must if studying "dynamic vegetation types" in the Wild West happens to be your idea of making a living.

And no, I'm not jealous, LOL.

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