Friday, August 24, 2018

Well, at least they met a lot of humans

They are baaaaaack...

For some reason, the tired old concept still works: town hall meetings, eye witness reconstructions, the cliff hanger with the growling gorilla, night investigation in black-and-green, and Bobo Fay's incomprehensible comments. ("Incomprehensible" as in "I don't understand his dialect".) The only thing missing is the main character. You know, Bigfoot...?

But yes, it's entertaining after a fashion. In the first episode, half of the BFRO team visits Bethel, a primitive and isolated village in Alaska where people live off the land as they've done for thousands of years...not! Please note the huge cranes, modern trucks and fishing boats in the background. According to Wiki, Bethel also has an airfield and a port?! In the second episode, the team goes to the Idaho panhandle, which also turns out to be teeming with people (no neo-Nazi compounds in sight, though).

I admit a certain childish fascination with the (outlandish) eye witness reports. Honest misidentifications or hallucinations seem out of the question here.The witnesses either saw Bigfoot or are lying through their big teeth! Huge primates attacking tents on the Alaskan tundra, or just showing off their 12 feet high ware, a Bigfoot nursing offspring visible for twenty minutes on Mount Moscow (sic) in Idaho, and one guy only being fifty percent sure that a huge hairy creature walking across his property was a squatch. Cliff Barackman's comment: "He should have a beer with Ranae!" (Ranae is the perennial team skeptic.)

Is there something out there? Of course there is. Come on, some people see far stranger things than this (economic upturns, for instance). If we are very, very lucky, maybe the BFRO will find something one day... That would be a great season finale, don't you think? ;-)

On Animal Planet, this is dubbed "season 6".

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