Sunday, August 19, 2018

One of the best Tintin adventures

In my humble opinion, “The Secret of the Unicorn” is one of the best Tintin adventures. It has the right balance between slapstick-type humor, Captain Haddock's outbursts, suspenseful action and an interesting plot. “The Secret of the Unicorn” and its sequel, “Red Rackham's Treasure”, also answer some in-universe questions, such as how Tintin met the distracted scientist Calculus, or how Haddock acquired Marlinspike Hall and his perennial butler Nestor.

Personally, I feel that the Tintin concept goes seriously out of hand when the slapstick and the Haddock-esque elements are allowed to dominate. But that's me. Most other people consider the good ol' skipper to be most lovable character in the entire Tintin universe! I admit that his “blistering barnacles” feel somewhat less out of place in this particular story, than in many others. But then, the secret of the unicorn runs in Haddock's family…

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