Saturday, August 25, 2018

Nuke the transpersonalists

A faux review of Ken Wilber´s "Quantum Questions" (which is actually quite good!) 

Nice try, Wilbur. When the Bible sounds barking mad, it means what is says. When the Quran sounds barking mad, it means what it says. But when quantum physicists sound like mystics (and hence barking mad), THEY ARE MERELY BEING METAPHORICAL!!! We know this on the authority of Richard Dawkins!!! No doubt Mr Wilbur (another stray from the Dawn Horse stable of the so-called "Ruchira Avatar" Adi Da Samraj Free Love Hubba Bubba Whatever a.k.a. Franklin Jones) is one of those crazy Christian theocrats who believe that the world is controlled by two giant green lobsters named Esmeralda and Keith!!!

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