Friday, August 24, 2018

Not very funny, I'm afraid

“Initiation of Plato” is a surprisingly bland, boring and uninteresting text, apparently first published in France in 1867. It was translated to English by Masonic occultist John Yarker. This edition was published by Manly P Hall in the United States, whose occultism seems to have been close to Theosophy, despite the Masonic trappings.

Hall admits that “Initiation of Plato” is a modern work, apparently part of a Masonic comedy, but still claims that it contains authentic, ancient Egyptian and Greek ritual. Maybe it does – I haven't read “The Golden Ass” by Apuleius, so I wouldn't know. However, the message of the article is painfully modern, with Plato opposing priests, capital punishment, and gender inequality. The Egyptian priests are scandalized by Plato's opposition to priests, the only comic relief in this supposed “comedy”. A call is then made for the universal brotherhood of man. Apparently, Plato also quotes Confucius.

Not really worth the effort.

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