Saturday, August 18, 2018

Mary English versus George Washington

My review of "How to Survive a Pisces" by Mary English.

I've read three books in this series. Mary English strikes me as a very uneven writer. The Capricorn book was pretty good, the Scorpio installment was so-so. The Pisces booklet is the worst so far. It was apparently Mary's first attempt at writing about astrology. It feels sloppy, confusing and unedited. As behooves the sign of Pisces, perhaps? The author is a Piscean herself!

Although I don't socialize with Pisceans (I think!), I strongly suspect that this peculiar sign, symbolized by two fishes strung together, is sorely misunderstood or misinterpreted. Are Pisceans really fluffy dreamers with a penchant for illicit substances or New Age crystals? George Washington, James Madison, Andrew Jackson and Grover Cleveland were Pisceans. Something tells me Lord Cornwallis, Tecumseh, the Cherokee nation or the Pullman strikers might have a few objections to Mary's description of her “dreamy” and “fluffy” sign…

Let's face it, astrology makes sense…except when it doesn't.

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