Saturday, August 18, 2018

Don´t cheer them up, please

Review of "How to Cheer Up a Capricorn" by Mary English. 

If you believe in astrology, this is a relatively good introduction to the sun sign of Capricorn. You know, the serious, ambitious, stoic, conservative, boring, responsible, family-oriented type who never ever smiles, at least not at you. All ISTJ, if Meyer-Briggs is more your thing. Or all British Empire, if British Empire is your thing. The Roman Catholic Church also strikes me as all Capricornus. Signs that are the exact opposites of Capricorn include Aries (too impulsive), Aquarius (too anarchistic) and Leo (too leonine).

So how *do* you cheer them up? Mary English (a self-proclaimed fluffy Piscean) says: DON'T! I happen to be a “Cappie” myself (Cappie is Mary's fluffy Neptunian term for certified sea-goats), and I tend to agree. I don't socialize with Pisceans, so I don't know what their idea of “cheering up” might entail, but I'm not holding my breath! Attending the mushiest New Age workshop around? Drinking dandelion wine? Blaaaah. And what kind of silly term is “Cappie” anyway?

Trust me, we can cheer ourselves up, with that sardonic humor of ours, thank you. If it doesn't cheer *you* up, well, that's just tough. I feel cheered up already! :D

As for Miss English's description of Capricornian traits, I agree that they are, for the most part, true. At least as an ideal. This is indeed how a Capricorn “should” be or perhaps wants to be. Personally, I'm not terribly close to the Inspector ideal in real life, and I suppose an astrologer would argue that I have too many planets in all the wrong signs (not to mention Planet Wacko aka Uranus at my ascendant). Just look at my customer reviews, they aren't terribly Capricornian, are they?

I therefore can't say that I felt much happier, or wiser, after reading Mary Queen of English, but I admit that she has nailed the (supposed) Capricorn character relatively well. I therefore give her attempt to understand the sign of Saturn three stars. But not one star more, young lady, because that would be too indulgent!

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