Saturday, August 25, 2018

Landlocked but deadly?

According to the U.S. State Department (and they should know), Andorra is a member of Barack Obama's broad coalition against the "Islamic State". That's the Principality of Andorra, with a population of 85,000. Wikipedia calls it "a landlocked microstate...and the sixth smallest state in Europe" I could have sworn it was the second smallest, but heck, I haven't measured Liechtenstein and San Marino.

But what on earth will Andorra *do* against ISIS? Issue postage stamps celebrating the U.S. Air Force? Send the pilots tobacco of a really good vintage? The small Pyrenean nation is a tax haven, so I suppose they could freeze ISIS' oil money. As far as I'm concerned, they should seize the Saudi and Qatari assets, as well, when they are already at it...but unfortunately, Saudi Arabia and Qatar has decided to play it safe and joined Obama's coalition!

But then, I doubt a righteous Wahhabite is silly enough to deposit his monies in a country with a national anthem that actually says "The Great Charlemagne, My Father, from the Saracens liberated me, and from Heaven gave me life".

What a pity. I mean, it could have been a real blow to international terrorism.

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