Sunday, August 5, 2018

John Al-Qaeda Rambo

A review of "Rambo III". 

Fresh after fighting the VC's in Nam, John Rambo (half-nude and with a serious speech impediment as usual) decides to really fight the liberal world conspiracy by joining Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, blowing up evil Russians as he goes along.

Poor Jihad Johnny and his mentors Reagan and Bush obviously didn't know what the hell they were getting themselves into. Does "Wahhabi" mean anything to you, colonel? If the Jews have objections, we just send more aid to their settlements around Jerusalem. That usually stops them from complaining about our Stinger missiles being handed over to the Einsatzgruppen Westpakistan. Besides, the Taliban really are a lost tribe of Israel, aren't they?

So Johnnyboy charges ahead, fighting the evil Commies on camel back, scoring yet another big victory for the holy war against the infidel.

Thank you, Rambo. Now we can sleep in the knowledge that the free world (and Israel) is safe.

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