Sunday, August 26, 2018

It's different this time

Gee, why can't this self-proclaimed “Archdruid” – whatever *that* might be – get a grip, cheer up and realize that it's different this time? Nothing will happen, our economy is strong thanks to Obamacare, fracking and Wal-Mart, democracy is gaining ground all around the globe (just look at the Ukraine), and our telescopes just proved the Big Bang, showing that modern science rocks, can explain everything and is paramount in all ways imaginable. The real problems are whiners like “John Michael Greer” (probably a pseudonym), of which there is an abundance in every age. Would Hannibal have defeated the Romans, had he listened to the pessimists who said it can't be done with elephants? Would the Romans have defeated the Goths if they had listened to Tacitus' whining about good ol' country living? I don't think so! Would the Goths have defeated the Muslims? My point exactly. Would the Muslims have defeated the Israelis? We need more enlightened rationalists, not some old mystic with a big beard carrying out meaningless rituals at some faux Celtic monument somewhere. Yeah, really.

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