Saturday, August 25, 2018

I'm an astrological anomaly

Joanna Martine Woolfolk's “Capricorn” is a small book about, well, the sun sign of Capricorn. The text is apparently adapted from her bestselling “The only astrology book you'll ever need”. I don't have it, although I readily admit that I might need it after trying to grok the 57 rays of Mahatma Alice Bailey's esoteric astrology!

After reading Woolfolk's description of “my” sign (I'm a Sun-Moon Capricorn of the Capricorn decan, with two Capricorn parents and 100+ Capricorn relatives), I have to admit that I'm a very bad sea-goat. Or an astrological anomaly, perhaps? Most of this stuff might have been true when I was a kid or tween, but as an adult, I seem to have lost most of my Capricorn traits, except perhaps the negative ones. Ooops. Perhaps I was stung by the wrong esoteric ray?

But yes, “Capricorn” is a good book if you're into astrology. It mentions both the positives and the down-sides of the Capricorn personality, Capricorn compatibility (or lack of it) with other signs, Capricorn decans and cusps, and some more esoteric-sounding information (apparently, I'm supposed to wear a garnet gem stone to attract those elusive ray energies). On one point, Ms Martine Woolfolk (whose own sun sign seems to be a well-kept secret) is dead right: Capricorn don't mesh with Leo due to “zero tolerance for Leo's monumental ego and vanity”. LOL, sounds like somebody I know...

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